


2019-07-22 23:28:03 | Newsメモ


BBC Is India descending into mob rule? 26 June 2017 By Soutik Biswas

On Thursday a 15-year-old Muslim boy, returning home from Eid shopping with his three brothers, was killed in a brutal assault by a mob of about 20 men on a train in the north Indian state of Haryana.

Police say that the reason for Junaid Khan's murder - in which his three siblings were also injured by the knife-wielding mob - was mainly because of a row over seat space on the train.

But a man arrested for being part of the mob said on TV that he was goaded into it by others because Muslims ate beef.

Vigilante cow protection groups, operating with impunity, have killed people for transporting cattle. Muslim men have been lynched by Hindu mobs, mostly in BJP-ruled states, for allegedly storing beef and, in one case, for helping an mixed-faith couple elope.

Many are wondering whether India is hurtling towards a "mobocracy" under Mr Modi's watch. They also question the prime minister's silence over the killings.

The chief minister of BJP-ruled Rajasthan, where 55-year-old dairy farmer Pehlu Khan was lynched in April, offered condolences over his "demise" without mentioning the fact that he had been murdered. A BJP lawmaker said he had "no regret" over the killing because Khan was a "cow-smuggler".

 他方で、政府側としては、いやこれって、そりゃあヘイトクライムと云えばその通りだが、昔からあったものだよね? なんで過大なほどに騒ぎ立てるのさ?という見解。


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