


2018-11-20 14:31:49 | Newsメモ
BBC Rescued migrants refuse to leave ship taking them to Libya 18 Nov 2018

 cargo shipに救助されたはいいが、リビアの難民センターに行くのはいやだ、だったら死ぬまでここから動かない、と粘って、cargo shipは8日も足止めだとか。

Dozens of increasingly desperate migrants rescued by a cargo ship in the Mediterranean have been refusing to leave after it docked in a Libyan port.

Some told journalists they would rather die than be forced to disembark in Libya where they say they were held captive and tortured by smugglers.


The ship brought them to Misrata on 10 November after picking them up from a boat off Libya's western coast.

According to a UN statement quoted by AFP news agency, they are from Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia


"How come you want me to leave the ship and stay in Libya?" Sudanese migrant Biktor, 17, asked when speaking to Reuters news agency earlier in the week. "We agree to go to any place but not Libya."

Biktor said his brother and friend had both died at the hands of smugglers in Bani Walid, a smuggling centre south of Tripoli.


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