


2022-08-16 18:27:55 | Newsメモ

BBC Zimbabwe launches gold coins to tackle soaring inflation 25 Jul 2022 By Merlyn Thomas

Zimbabwe's central bank has launched gold coins in an effort to help curb soaring inflation amid a slump in the country's currency.

The central bank's main interest rate was more than doubled this month to 200% after the annual rate of inflation rose above 190%.


BBC Zimbabwe to launch cheaper gold coins 12 Aug 2022 By Shingai Nyoka

Zimbabwe's central bank is to introduce lower denominations of gold coins to allow ordinary people to purchase them, according to the state-owned newspaper The Herald.

Last month, the country introduced gold coins priced at the international market rate for an ounce of gold plus 5% for production costs. An ounce of gold is currently worth about $1,795 (£1,500).

The coins were meant to ease the demand for the US dollar and maintain the value of the local currency after annual inflation topped 256% in July.

The local Zimbabwean dollar exchanged at 108.66 to the US dollar at the beginning of the year, but has tumbled to 481.85 to the dollar in August.

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