


2019-07-27 22:27:08 | Newsメモ
BBC Poland court bans 'LGBT-free zone' sticker from sale 25 July 2019

A Polish court has ordered conservative newspaper Gazeta Polska to halt the distribution of "LGBT-free zone" stickers it included in this week's issue.

The stickers show a black cross superimposed on a rainbow flag.

 …まあ、その、gay pride marchを延々見せられるのは苦痛だとして、「あいつら」を排除した空間だってあっていいだろ、とかいうアイディアが出てくるのは、そりゃまあ、反作用としてはあろう。ただまあ、うん、こういう否定形はあまり好まれない主張ですな。

Violence broke out at the first gay pride march in the eastern Polish city of Bialystok at the weekend, as thousands of football hooligans and far-right supporters clashed with marchers and police.


Gazeta Polska, in an editorial, had justified the sticker by saying LGBT rights "have all the features of a totalitarian ideology".


"German fascists created Jew-free zones," he tweeted.


The activist who brought the legal action, Bartosz Staszewski, said: "It is extremely important that we do not give in to homophobia in the public zone."



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