

英国の、新型コロナウィルス死者統計:人種ごとに死亡率が違う? いやいやいやいや。いや、むしろ。

2020-05-02 16:04:53 | Newsメモ
 英国で新型コロナウィルスによる死者の属性別統計を取ったようなのよ。そしたらアフリカ黒人属性だと、白人属性の3.5倍も死んでいた、しかも若いのに死んでいた、という。いやあ、若いというのはそれだけで、今回は比較的安全な属性じゃないの? なにこれ? もしかして人種仮説? と、見出しだけ見れば思えるわな。なおアジアンやそのほかマイノリティグループも死亡率が高いってさ。

BBC Coronavirus: Black African deaths three times higher than white Britons - study 1 May 2020 By Rianna Croxford


Coronavirus patients from black African backgrounds in England and Wales are dying at more than triple the rate of white Britons, a study suggests.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said a higher proportion of people from ethnic minority backgrounds live in areas hit harder by Covid-19.

However, they tend to be younger on average, so should be less vulnerable.

But the report found various black, Asian and minority ethnic groups were experiencing higher per capita deaths.

And after accounting for differences in age, sex and geography, the study estimated that the death rate for people of black African heritage was 3.5 times higher than for white Britons.


It added that for people of black Caribbean heritage, per capita deaths were 1.7 times higher, rising to 2.7 times higher for those with Pakistani heritage.

Ross Warwick, a research economist at IFS, said there was "no single explanation and different factors may be more important for different groups".

 …感染確率が高い職に就いているだけじゃないの? という。

"Black Africans are particularly likely to be employed in key worker roles which might put them at risk," he said, "while older Bangladeshis appear vulnerable on the basis of underlying health conditions."


More than 20% of black African women are employed in health and social care roles while Pakistani men are 90% more likely to work in healthcare roles than their white British counterparts.


Similarly, while Indian people make up just 3% of the working population in England and Wales, they account for 14% of doctors, according to the research.


BBC News analysis of 135 healthcare workers whose deaths have been publicly announced found 84 were from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Within this, 29 are reportedly from black communities; 26 from South Asian backgrounds; 23 from East Asian backgrounds, of which 17 are Filipino; and four from Arabic backgrounds.


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