


2023-02-22 19:38:50 | Newsメモ
BBC North Korea food crisis looms behind displays of military prowess 22 Feb 2023 By Kelly Ng


North Korea is experiencing a critical food crisis, experts say.

The country is no stranger to chronic food shortages, but border controls, poor weather and sanctions have worsened the situation in recent years.

Top officials are expected to meet at the end of February to discuss a "fundamental change" to agriculture policy, state media has said.


The price of corn has risen 20% at the start of 2023, with growing demand for the less preferred - compared to rice - but more affordable staple, reported Rimjin-gang, a North Korean magazine based in Japan.

Sokeel Park, South Korea country director in non-profit Liberty in North Korea (Link), described the regime's response to the pandemic as "extreme and paranoid".



Mr Park said the regime has focused its resources on its missile prowess and propaganda, at high social costs. Pyongyang fired a record number of ballistic missiles last year - more than 70, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs, which can potentially reach the US mainland. Early this month, it showed off its largest-ever display of ICBMs at a military parade.

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