English Journalの10月号が借りれるとのメールが図書館から来ましたがリーダーズダイジェストは相変わらず予約待ちなのでまた小学生むけの本を読むことにしました。今度は "Ben and Me" と題された本でかのBenjamin Franklinの伝記をネズミが書き残していたという設定の話です。 小学生向けとは言え私の知らない単語・慣用句は数ページも進まないうちにかならず一つや二つはあるのでこのブログの1~2週間分のネタは直ぐに出て来るでしょう。 では最初に気になった単語を紹介します。
Reaching for these he would drop his pen; by the time he found that and get settled to write, the candle would flicker from the draught; when that calmed down, the sneezing would start again, and so it went.
"draught" には色々意味があり私も幾つかは知っていますが上の文での意味にはどれも当てはまらないので辞書を見ます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: a current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle)
WordNet: a current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)
次ぎの文は辞書からではなくDIYnotと言うサイトのDraught proofing windows and doorsの項からの抜粋です。
Draughts are caused by cold air forcing its way through gaps around windows or doors. By blocking the gap you will stop the draught, but be careful not to block out the draught designed to pass under the house via the air vents at ground level.
By moving the candle around the edge of a frame, the flame will flicker where the draught is coming in.
"candle" と "flicker" ときたら "draught" が原因だと言うのは決まり文句のようです。
Reaching for these he would drop his pen; by the time he found that and get settled to write, the candle would flicker from the draught; when that calmed down, the sneezing would start again, and so it went.
"draught" には色々意味があり私も幾つかは知っていますが上の文での意味にはどれも当てはまらないので辞書を見ます。
OneLook Quick Definitions: a current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle)
WordNet: a current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle)
次ぎの文は辞書からではなくDIYnotと言うサイトのDraught proofing windows and doorsの項からの抜粋です。
Draughts are caused by cold air forcing its way through gaps around windows or doors. By blocking the gap you will stop the draught, but be careful not to block out the draught designed to pass under the house via the air vents at ground level.
By moving the candle around the edge of a frame, the flame will flicker where the draught is coming in.
"candle" と "flicker" ときたら "draught" が原因だと言うのは決まり文句のようです。