English Collection



2008年10月24日 | 英語学習

これも "Ben and Me" からです。 どうも必須単語の匂いがしますが私の語彙にはもれていました。
"Oh, Monsieur Amos," she said softly, "could you but accomplish this, what happiness would you bring to a bereft family."
辞書を引きます。 形容詞の意味・用法がDictionary.comには: deprived: 例: They are bereft of their senses. 例: He is bereft of all happiness.
OneLook Quick Definitionsには unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love; sorrowful through loss or deprivation 例: bereft of all hope
が出ていましたが "bereft" は元々 "bereave" と言う動詞の過去及び過去分詞なので "bereave" もDictionary.comを見ると:
1. to deprive and make desolate, esp. by death (usually fol. by of): Illness bereaved them of their mother.
2. to deprive ruthlessly or by force (usually fol. by of): The war bereaved them of their home.
とあるように "bereave" の過去・過去分詞は "bereaved" もあります。
"bereft" と "bereave" に違い、使用頻度の差があるのか気になったので幾つか別の辞書を見ると Online Etymology Dictionaryに次ぎの説明がありました。
Since c.1650, mostly in ref. to life, hope, loved ones, and other immaterial possessions. Past tense forms bereaved and bereft have co-existed since 14c., now slightly differentiated in meaning, the former applied to loss of loved ones, the latter to circumstances.
またWebster's Revised Unabridged Dictionaryには:form bereaved is not used in reference to immaterial objects. We say bereaved or bereft by death of a relative, bereft of hope and strength.
とあります。 微妙な使い分けがあるのですね。

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