Reader's Digest 3月号の単語クイズ、WordPowerは食べる事に関係する単語の特集でした。 15問中知っている単語は次ぎのたったの4つでした。 "nori"(これは日本語ですね)、julienne"(最近覚えた単語)、"dim sum"、"sommelier"
・eupeptic: promoting good digestion. Dad claims that watching football after a big meal is eupeptic.
この単語の "eu" は楽器の "euphonium"(euphony+harmonium) で覚えた接頭辞 "eu"(good/well) と "peptic"(digestive/promoting digestion)の組み合わせなので簡単に覚えられそうです。.
・trencherman: hearty eater. Our teenage son, with his trencherman's appetite, will eat us out of house and home
."trencherman" は溝を掘る人しか思い浮かびませんでしたが、辞書によると ."trencher" に:
a) a rectangular or circular flat piece of wood on which meat, or other food, is served or carved.
b) such a piece of wood and the food on it.
c) Archaic. food; the pleasures of good eating.
・eupeptic: promoting good digestion. Dad claims that watching football after a big meal is eupeptic.
この単語の "eu" は楽器の "euphonium"(euphony+harmonium) で覚えた接頭辞 "eu"(good/well) と "peptic"(digestive/promoting digestion)の組み合わせなので簡単に覚えられそうです。.
・trencherman: hearty eater. Our teenage son, with his trencherman's appetite, will eat us out of house and home
."trencherman" は溝を掘る人しか思い浮かびませんでしたが、辞書によると ."trencher" に:
a) a rectangular or circular flat piece of wood on which meat, or other food, is served or carved.
b) such a piece of wood and the food on it.
c) Archaic. food; the pleasures of good eating.