English Collection


bat an eyelid/bat an eye

2010年05月22日 | 英語学習
Is Gender Equality Just a Dream? と題されたReader's Digest 3月号の記事にあった文に覚えたい慣用句がありました。
The litany of complaints is long even though I have to admit that we have come a very long way indeed. While yes, nobody bats an eyelid anymore at the sight of a woman working on oilrigs and heading up corporations, the fact remains that we keep remarking on them precisely because they are still exceptional.
"bat an eyelid" は慣用句の様です。 辞書で調べます。
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to not show any shock or surprise 'So what did she say when you told her you were leaving?' 'She didn't bat an eyelid.'
・Wiktionary: (Most frequently negative, as in the examples.) To react in any slight way; to respond; When laptop computers first came out they were something of a novelty. These days, nobody bats an eyelid.
否定形で使われる場合が多いようです。 ちなみに下記の辞書では "bat an eyelid" では検索リストに出ませんでしたが "not bat an eyelid" あるいは "not bat an eye" の検索で見つかりました。
・Dictionary.com: not bat an eye, to show no emotion or surprise; maintain a calm exterior: The murderer didn't bat an eye when the jury announced its verdict of guilty.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.: Fig. to show no signs of distress even when something bad happens or something shocking is said. Sam didn't bat an eyelid when the mechanic told him how much the car repairs would cost. The pain of the broken arm must have hurt Sally terribly, but she did not bat an eyelid.
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