English Collection


fight tooth and nail

2010年09月09日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest、7月号のThe Making of a Tragedyと題されたジャカルタでのテロによるホテル爆発事件の記事から引用します。
Jakarta's streets can be hard work; a menagerie of vehicles-decrepit buses spewing black smoke and motor bikes fighting tooth and nail for road space, and a heaving mass of people breathing it all in as they begin each new day.
"tooth and nail" の意味は文脈から想像は付きますが、まるで猫が喧嘩している様な面白い表現なので由来も分かるかどうか辞書を見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: with force and ferocity ("She fought tooth and nail")
・American Heritage Dictionary: To fighttooth and nail” is to fight with the intensity and ferocity of a wild animal: “The resistance forces fought the invading troops tooth and nail.”
・Wiktionary: Viciously; with all one’s strength or power; without holding back.; For a century, the two families fought tooth and nail over control of the land.
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