English Collection


Bridal and dowry

2010年09月23日 | 英語学習
さて、Reader's Digest 6月号のビールについての特集で "Bridal" の語源について触れていました。
Bridal: For centuries, weddings and beer have been inseparable and in fact the word bridal has its roots in a pint. Way back when, British brides used to brew their own beer to celebrate the event and to raise money for their dowry. The brew in question was known as 'bride ale', a term that later got shortened to 'bridal'
ところでついでに触れますが "dowry" は英語圏で現在でも実際にあるのかどうかは知りませんが、結構頻繁に目にする単語です。一昨日、ESUJの例会後のビールを飲みながらの雑談にも "dowry" の言葉がでてきました。 英検一級とか通訳ガイドの試験には出てきても良さそうな単語です。 辞書の説明を引用します。
・Dictionary.com: Also, dower. the money, goods, or estate that a wife brings to her husband at marriage.
・Macmillan Dictionary: money and property that, in some cultures, a woman’s family gives to her husband when they get married
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