English Collection



2011年07月14日 | 英語学習
Linked by Albert-Laszlo Barabasiからの最後の引用になります。 
This modular hypothesis has deep roots in modern cell biology. For example, chemotaxis, the bacteria's ability to sense food and swim toward it, has been successfully reduced to a relatively autonomous functional module of a few key molecular components.
"chemotaxis" とは "the bacteria's ability to sense food and swim toward it" の説明があり、"chemo" は "chemo therapy" の "chemo" と同じで、"taxis" も "taxi" と語源は同じ様な気がします。 従って、バクテリアが化学的成分を感知して、その物質の方に向かう、あるいはその反対方向に逃げる行為と理解できます。 辞書で "chemotaxis" を確認します。
・Wiktionary: (biology) (biochemistry) the movement of a cell or an organism in response to a chemical stimulant
この手の言葉はWikipediaの方が詳しいはずなので見てみると、私には詳し過ぎる程の説明がありました。 冒頭の個所だけ引用します。
Chemotaxis is the phenomenon in which somatic cells, bacteria, and other single-cell or multicellular organisms direct their movements according to certain chemicals in their environment. This is important for bacteria to find food (for example, glucose) by swimming towards the highest concentration of food molecules, or to flee from poisons (for example, phenol). In multicellular organisms, chemotaxis is critical to early development (e.g. movement of sperm towards the egg during fertilization) and subsequent phases of development (e.g. migration of neurons or lymphocytes) as well as in normal function. In addition, it has been recognized that mechanisms that allow chemotaxis in animals can be subverted during cancer metastasis.
焼き鳥屋や鰻屋の匂いにつられて入ってしまうのも "chemotaxis" の仕業と言えるでしょう。
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