English Collection



2011年07月21日 | 英語学習
July 7のThe Japan Times Onlineに次ぎのようなキャプションがありました。
Man who forcibly tried to spirit kids from wife gets suspended term
"spirit" で直ぐに思い浮かべるのはお酒と精神、精霊ですが、上の "spirit" は動詞です。 新聞記事の場合は本文を読むとキャプションの意味はほとんどの場合分かる様になっているので、記事を読みます。
A Mexican man was found guilty and given a suspended jail term Tuesday for forcibly taking his daughter from his separated Japanese wife last November by breaking into her home in Niigata and injuring her mother, who had tried to stop him.
この冒頭の文で、キャプションの "spirit kids from wife" と同じ意味は "taking his daughter from his separated Japanese wife" である事が分かります。 辞書で "spirit" の動詞の用法を確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: convey rapidly and secretly: stolen cows were spirited away some distance to prevent detection
・American Heritage Dictionary: To carry off mysteriously or secretly: The documents had been spirited away.
誘拐とか神隠しの感じですね。 これも由来が気になります。 例によって Etymology Online を見ると、
The verb meaning "carry off or away secretly (as though by supernatural agency)" is first recorded 1660s.
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