English Collection


fit the bill

2011年07月04日 | 英語学習
今日の表現もLinked by Albert-Laszlo BarabasiのThe Random Universeの章にあった表現です。
If a network was too complex to be captured in simple terms, it urged us to describe it as random. Sure enough, society, the cell, communication networks, and the economy are all complex enough to fit the bill.
引用文の最後に出てきた "fit the bill" は初めて見る慣用句ですが、文字通りに解釈しても意味はだいたい分かります。 念のために辞書で確認します。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: to be suitable for a particular purpose: This new software certainly fits the bill.
・WordNet: (or fill the bill): be what is needed or be good enough for what is required ("Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?")
・Cambridge Idioms Dictionary: to have the qualities or experience which are needed I'm looking for someone with several years of publishing experience and you seem to fit the bill.: The city needs a strong leader, and the new mayor just doesn't fill the bill.
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