English Collection


fits and starts

2011年07月25日 | 英語学習
MURDER at the Tokyo American Club: 殺人事件は解決に向かっているが、まだ全面的には解決していない中で、東京アメリカンクラブのPresidentのJ.B.が何ものかに襲われ、警官が駆けつけたところです。
After considerable conversational fits and starts -- disjointed phrases, partial sentences, mysterious words, and some graphic sign language--the following points were made reasonably clear to all parties on the scene.
上の引用文にある "conversational fits and starts" の "fits and starts" は慣用句の様で、またこの中の "fits" は発作を意味する "fit" と関係がありそうです。 辞書を見ると "fits and starts" は下記の様に慣用句として載っていました。
・Vocabulary.com: repeated bursts of activity: “they worked in fits and starts
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) Activity which is intermittent, variable in intensity, and prolonged by interruptions: Progress in this project has come in fits and starts.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: with irregular movement; with much stopping and starting. (*Typically: by ~; in ~; with ~.) Somehow, they got the job done in fits and starts. By fits and starts, the old car finally got us to town.
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