English Collection


up the ante

2011年07月07日 | 英語学習
June 22のThe Japan Times Onlineにあった見出しです。
China ups the ante in South China Sea disputes
"ante up" は賭け金を払う、掛け金を上げる、渋々払うなどの意味で良く見かける表現ですが、表題での意味は何でしょう。 記事を読んでみます。
China appears to be increasingly determined to strengthen its presence and control in areas of the South China Sea close to Southeast Asia that it sees as strategically and economically important.
引用したのは記事の冒頭ですが、この後を読んでも南シナ海での中国の存在が顕著になったこと以外に見出しの "ups the ante" との関係がいま一つ分かりません。 辞書で "ups the ante" を調べます。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: If you up the ante, you increase your demands or the risks in a situation in order to achieve a better result: The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed.
・Collins English Dictionary: Informal to increase the costs, risks, or considerations involved in taking an action or reaching a conclusion whenever they reached their goal, they upped the ante by setting more complex challenges for themselves
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