Reader's Digest 5月号音楽の紹介ページから。
What would you say are the must-hear tunes of the 50s, 60s and 70s, or say, the Noughties?
According to 1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die, these include Little Richard's rock'n' rollin' "Tutti Frutti", Elvis Presley's vamped up blues "Hound Dog", Chic's 70s disco anthem "Le Freak", punk rock granddaddies the Sex Pistols's "Anarchy in the UK", Britney Spears's dance-pop crossover "Toxic", and Gnarls Barkley's spaghetti western-inspired "Crazy".
"vamped up blues" とは何でしょう? 4年前にウクレレをちょっと習ったのですが、その時に "vamp" と称した、2~4小節のコード進行の練習をさせられた事を思い出しました。
その時は単にウクレレ用語だと思っていたのですが、その "vamp" をまず辞書で見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a short introductory musical passage often repeated several times (as in vaudeville) before a solo or between verses
・ a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts: Mr. Klein played a busy vamp with his left hand, leaving his right free to embellish on the theme.)
・Wiktionary: (music) A repeated and often improvised accompaniment, usually consisting of one or two measures, often a single chord or simple chord progression, repeated as necessary, e.g., to accommodate dialogue or to anticipate the entrance of a soloist.
・The Folk File: to play a chord progression over and over, perhaps as an intro or a simple accompaniment, or a timewaster until the other musicians are ready to jump in and play along.
なるほど。 では、動詞の方の "vamped up" を見てみましょう。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: to make something seem newer and more exciting by adding something to it: It's basically the same musical but they've vamped it up with some new songs.
・Infoplease: improvise an accompaniment, tune, etc.
・Wiktionary: (music) To perform a vamp; to perform a repeated, often improvised accompaniment, e.g. under dialogue or awaiting the readiness of a soloist.
私達がウクレレ教室で習った "vamp" はまさに上のThe Folk Fileの説明にある単純なコード進行で、"Elvis Presley's vamped up blues" はジャズで言う "improvised" された音楽で、レベルが全く違うようです。
What would you say are the must-hear tunes of the 50s, 60s and 70s, or say, the Noughties?
According to 1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die, these include Little Richard's rock'n' rollin' "Tutti Frutti", Elvis Presley's vamped up blues "Hound Dog", Chic's 70s disco anthem "Le Freak", punk rock granddaddies the Sex Pistols's "Anarchy in the UK", Britney Spears's dance-pop crossover "Toxic", and Gnarls Barkley's spaghetti western-inspired "Crazy".
"vamped up blues" とは何でしょう? 4年前にウクレレをちょっと習ったのですが、その時に "vamp" と称した、2~4小節のコード進行の練習をさせられた事を思い出しました。
その時は単にウクレレ用語だと思っていたのですが、その "vamp" をまず辞書で見ます。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a short introductory musical passage often repeated several times (as in vaudeville) before a solo or between verses
・ a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts: Mr. Klein played a busy vamp with his left hand, leaving his right free to embellish on the theme.)
・Wiktionary: (music) A repeated and often improvised accompaniment, usually consisting of one or two measures, often a single chord or simple chord progression, repeated as necessary, e.g., to accommodate dialogue or to anticipate the entrance of a soloist.
・The Folk File: to play a chord progression over and over, perhaps as an intro or a simple accompaniment, or a timewaster until the other musicians are ready to jump in and play along.
なるほど。 では、動詞の方の "vamped up" を見てみましょう。
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: to make something seem newer and more exciting by adding something to it: It's basically the same musical but they've vamped it up with some new songs.
・Infoplease: improvise an accompaniment, tune, etc.
・Wiktionary: (music) To perform a vamp; to perform a repeated, often improvised accompaniment, e.g. under dialogue or awaiting the readiness of a soloist.
私達がウクレレ教室で習った "vamp" はまさに上のThe Folk Fileの説明にある単純なコード進行で、"Elvis Presley's vamped up blues" はジャズで言う "improvised" された音楽で、レベルが全く違うようです。