English Collection



2011年07月26日 | 英語学習
A History of Western Societyは第二次世界大戦後のソ連の個所を読んでいるところです。
De-Starlinization created great ferment among writers and intellectuals, who hungered for cultural freedom. The poet Boris Pasternak (1890 - 1960), who survived the Stalinist years by turning his talents to translating Shakespeare, finished his great novel Doctor Zhivago in 1950.
"ferment" は食品の発酵にだけ使われるのと思っていましたが、日本酒やぶどう酒の発酵でブツブツと泡が沸き立つ様に、人間社会の現象にも使われるのですね。 辞書で用法を確認します。
"ferment" は名詞にも自動詞、他動詞にもなりますが、ここでは食品を(が)発酵させる(する)以外の例を取り上げます。
a. be in an agitated or excited state: “The Middle East is fermenting
b. work up into agitation or excitement: “Islam is fermenting Africa”
・Cambridge Dictionaries Online: a state of confusion or excited expectation, esp. because of changing conditions that are sudden and disorderly: He was a central figure in the religious ferment of his time.
・WordNet: a state of agitation or turbulent change or development ("The political ferment produced a new leadership")
V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionaryに "ferment" についての丁寧なTipsが次ぎの様に書かれていました。
The most common use of the word ferment (change chemically) is when referring to the process of turning sugars into alcohol. The idea is "change," "develop," or "stir up." In the negative sense, if something ferments, it stirs up and agitates. In the positive sense, if something ferments it develops to create positive change; for example, you could let an idea ferment (develop.) Also, from the original definition of change has come a new meaning of "confusion" as the result of change. If there is any kind of political or dramatic change that causes confusion, this confusion from change is often referred to as a ferment.
アイデアを熟成させる、の様な良い意味での "ferment" もあるのですね。
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