Zoobiquityの次の個所に出てきた "train" の意味はブログを始めた頃に採り上げ覚えているですが、ブログの度々の引っ越しでその記録は消えてしまった様です。
Imagine that wave of intense nausea you had when you lost your passport in Beijing or discovered a partner was cheating on you. Reflect on that "I think I'm going to vomit" feeling that washed over you following a career-jeopardizing mistake of a near miss between your carful of kids and a sixteen-wheeler. It's also the woozy feeling you may get before stepping in front of an audience, as you anticepate hundreds or thousands of eyes being trained on you.
・Oxford English Dictionary: (train something on) Point or aim something, typically a gun or camera, at: the detective trained his gun on the side door
・Cambridge English Dictionary: formal to aim or point a gun, camera, light, etc. at someone or something: With five guns suddenly trained on him, he was understandably nervous.
"train" にはこんな使い方もあるのを思い出しました。to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it ("Train the vine")
"coast is clear" は2/8/2011に取り上げた表現ですが、Theodore Boone the Accusedに次の様に出て来ました。 Theo knew he had found his mother’s divorce cases. He quickly exited, returned to the screen saver, and stood without touching anything else. He took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, certain that someone was outside just waiting to pounce on him. But the coast was clear, and he hurried back to his little office where his dog was still sleeping and everything was safe.
Which raises an interesting issue. Our physical body structures evolved over hundreds of millions of years. Perhaps modern human emotions too have evolved over millennia. Has natural selection played a role in what we feel, from anxiety, grief, and shame to pride, joy, and even shadenfreude?
"shadenfreude" ではありませんが、覚えた単語が文章に出てくると嬉しいですね。
Hiding in the face of danger--what scientist call crypsis--is one of nature's most common and effective strategies for staying out of predator's stomach. Some animals depend on body shapes and camouflage to held them hide. And some conceal themselves by performing instinctive or learned behaviors like freezing hiding, or crouching.
"crypsis" は擬態、保護色、死んだふりなどの全てを含む意味の様です。辞書で確認します。
・Double-Tongued Dictionary: the camouflage or protective appearance of an insect or animal. Editorial Note: Crypsis includes the stripes of a zebra that permit individuals to blend with a herd, moths that take on bark-like coloring so they are indistinguishable on trees, non-venomous snakes evolved to look like venomous species, insects that look like twigs or leaves, and brightly colored frogs that falsely indicate to predators that they are poisonous.
・Wikipedia: In ecology, crypsis is the ability of an animal to avoid observation or detection by other animals. It may be either a predation strategy or an antipredator adaptation, and methods include camouflage, nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle, and mimicry. Crypsis can involve visual, olfactory (with pheromones) or auditory concealment. When it is visual, the term cryptic coloration, effectively a synonym for animal camouflage, is sometimes used, though many different methods of camouflage are employed by animals.
I wondered about obesity and diabetes--two of the most pressing health concerns of our time. I burned midnight pixels investigating questions like: Do wild animals get medically obese? Do animals overeat or binge-eat? Do they hoard food and eat in secret at night? I learned that yes, they do.
"burned midnight pixels" は "burn midnight oil: to stay up all night doing work. often homework." を元にした表現だと直ぐに分かります。しかし、どの辞書にもこの表現を載せている例は見つかりませんでしたが、Web上にはこの表現を使った例は幾つかありました。夜の明かりに油を使う事はもう何十年も前に廃りましたが、夜遅くまでパソコンやらスマホのディスプレイを見ている人は増えているので、"burn midnight pixels" の表現を見かける機会は増えると思います。
Cardiology in the early 2000s was abuzz with a newly described syndrome called takotsubo cardiomyopathy. This distinctive condition presents with severe, crushing chest pain and a markedly abnormal EKG, much like a classic heart attack. We rush these patients to an operating suite for an angiogram, expecting to find a dangerous blood clot. But in takotsubo cases, the treating cardiologist finds perfectly healthy, "clean" coronary atteries.
あれあれ、"takotsubo"... 日本語ぽいですね。
英英辞書では "takotsubo" の項は見つかりませんでしたが、Wikipediaには "takotsubo myopathy" の項があり、その中に次の記述があります。
The name "takotsubo syndrome" comes from the Japanese word for a kind of octopus trap, because the left ventricle takes on a shape like a fishing pot.
The first studied case of takotsubo cardiomyopathy was in Japan in 1991 by Sato et al. More cases of the syndrome appeared in Japan within the next decade, though western medicine had still not heard of it.
なるほど、"takotsubo" はやはり日本語由来でした。
"Please stop making eye contact with her." I turned. The veterinarian smiled stiffly at me. "You'll give her capture myopathy."
A little surprised, I did as instructed and got out of the way. Human-animal bonding would have to wait, apparently. But I was puzzled. Capture myopathy? I'd been practicing medicine for almost twenty years and had never heard of that diagnosis.
"myopathy" は何かの病気の一種だと思いますが、何でしょう? 辞書を引きます。
・Vocabulary.com: any pathology of the muscles that is not attributable to nerve dysfunction: Most often, that means muscle pain and weakness known as myopathy, which affects roughly 10 percent of statin users, Whayne said.
・GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary : Any of several diseases of muscle that are not caused by nerve disorders: It could lead to breakthroughs in the treatment of muscle wasting diseases such as myopathy and muscular dystrophy.
Zoobiquityを読み始めました。 Zoobiquityに至るきっかけの逸話からHorowitzは書き始めています。
About the size of kittens, these monkeys evolved in the treetops of the Central and South American rain forests. Their wispy, white Fu Manchu-style mustaches droop below enormous brown eyes. Swaddled in the pink blanket, staring up at me with that liquid gaze, Spitzbuben was pushing every maternal button I had.
最後に出てきた "pushing every maternal button" は母性本能をくすぐられたの意味だろうと推測しました。(Horowitzは女性の医師です。)
"maternal button" を掲載している辞書は見つかりませんでしたが、同じ様な意味で使われている例はWeb上に下記の様に幾つもありました。
・We know about cute kitten faces but what about kitten voices? They certainly push the button; the maternal button.
・I realize your children know you well enough to know how to push your maternal button, and that's what makes you feel guilty if you don't “help” them.
私がブログを書く第一目的は英文を読んでいて出てきた覚えたい単語や表現を記憶に留めるためですが、それでも中々覚えられなかったり、せっかく覚えた単語・表現にその後出会わない事もよくあります。 2月に読んだTheodore Boone the Accusedに8/14/2011に取り上げた "long shot" が次の様に出て来ました。
"Look, Ike, I'll just go to my mom and tell her what I think. I'll lay out our theory, and ask for her help. She is my mother, you know?"
"That's a great idea, Theo, and it makes good sense. But don't do it right now. Let's see if we can crack this case without getting her involved. I don't want to ask Marcella Boone to give me sensitive information about a client."
"Is this a long shot, Ike?"
NHKの番組、スーパープレゼンテーションで見たBarbara Natterson-Horowitz氏の話に興味を覚えたので、HorowitzさんとKathryn Bowers氏の共著の本 Zoobiquityを早速買いました。図書館で借りて読む本の合間に読むことにしました。
Finding nothing in the literature, we decided to come up with our own: "zoobiquity." From the Greek for "animal," zo, and the Latin for "everywhere," ubique, "zoobiquity" joins two cultures (Greek and Latin), just as we are joining the "cultures" of human and animal medicine.
"zoobiquity" を載せている辞書でがあるか調べましたが、今のところどの辞書にも載っていない様です。
恐らく著者達が立ち上げたと思いますが "Zoobiquity" のホームページがあり(http://www.zoobiquity.com/)、そこでZoobiquityについて次の説明をしています。
What is Zoobiquity?
Zoobiquity springs from a simple but revelatory fact: Animals and humans get the same diseases, yet physicians and veterinarians rarely consult with one another. Zoobiquity explores how animal and human commonality can be used to diagnose, treat, and heal patients of all species.