Article#502.1/3 Updated the summary of US Presidential Election a letter to American friends

2021-01-02 21:13:51 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hi, this is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

This time, I would like to summarize updated of our understanding about what has been going on in US Presidential Election. And I would like to explain to American people about how we see it from Far East from Japan like a writing a letter to you all.

Well, even I say so, I am not confident that even one American voter is looking at my blog or not, but anyway, at least, I want to try with the hope that this letter can reach some American people and I hope this will motivate them to make some actions.

It will be a long one. And it consists of the following 5 chapters.
I spread this into 3 parts. 
This is part 1.

1) Obvious fraud
2) Dominion
3) Corona, mail ballots, media & FBI & CIA who ignore electoral fraud with Dominion are essential for scenario for Biden victory,
4) Major principles for coup
5) What American people should do from now?

OK. From here, it will be like my sincere letter to American people.

Dear All American people, let me explain how we Japanese from Far East see the situation of 2020 US Presidential Election Campaign.

Even for an ordinary typical Japanese people like me, we can see that there were many and obvious voting fraud took place, and it was done in very large scale based on very precise plan.
But if you allow this loss of Mr. Trump as Media says, that will allow those who attempted this large scale voting Fraud to smile at the end even though they did unacceptable crimes. (Those people are close to Chinese communist party and they are all Anti-Trump people in Democrats, Republicans, major Medias, Industries, educational communities, US government including FBI & CIA, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and any left-wings). And this will automatically mean that USA who is representing the concept of freedom and democracy is now losing to communism of CCP (Chinese communist party) and his supporters in US. You should not allow this happens.

The easiest way of finding this voting Fraud is, doing this simple calculation.

This time, total registered voters were 213.8M people.
And 66.2% of them were actually voted. That means 141.5M people are actually voted.
And since population who voted for Mr. Trump was 74.19M people. Then the rest of voters should be 67.34M people but Media says Biden got 81.25M. So, there is 13.91M gap. What does this gap come from? I assume it probably means that there are 13.91M of fake and faulty ballots were counted.  

Since the vote margin between Biden and Trump was 7.06M this time.
If this all 13.91M of faulty ballots were for Biden, then, votes for Biden becomes 74.19M while Trump was 74.19M. That means Trump won in this election.
This is so different from what we were told by Media. Which is true? You know they are not telling you truth as always, right?

We wonder whether those major Medias who have been loudly claiming that Biden won will not feel something wrong about this calculation or not? This gap can be easily found by the simple math that even elementary school kids can do so easily.(※Those major Medias and his followers in all over the world like NHK who have been saying Biden won with 81.25M must be having hard time to calculate this kind of simple mathematics. They need to go to school again. They may think that their audiences like us are stupid so we cannot calculate this simple math. We should get angry to those Media and you better terminate the contacts with them and find out other much better media or TV stations and sign contract with then.)

OK. This was the simplest way to find out how much this 2020 presidential election was injustice.

From here, I would like to list up major Frauds below.

① The number of votes for the dead were counted
(9,500 in Michigan alone, 10,000 in Georgia, 21,000 in Pennsylvania, and many others)

② The number of votes of minors is counted
(Georgia alone has 66,000 people, since the margin between Biden & Trump in GA was 12K, Trump can be the winner just by this.)

③ Multiple counted votes are counted
(42,000 votes double-counted in Nevada alone, this can make Trump wins if all those double counted votes were all for Biden votes. In Detroit, a Dominion contractor saw that operators were scanning the same ballot 9-10 times. She saw it that same thing were done to at least some thousands of ballots.)

④ Illegal immigrant votes, numerous criminal votes, counterfeit signature votes are counted

⑤ Votes without preregistration were not supposed to be counted but unfortunately some non-registered voter's votes were counted. 
(North Carolina has 5.16 million pre-registrations, but the actual number of votes were 5.38 million. That means unqualified votes were 200,000)

⑥ Votes using a large amount of counterfeit ballots were counted
(Counterfeit ballots were used for 100,000 votes in Nevada alone. If all of these are for Biden votes, then Mr. Trump can win easily. Chester County, Pennsylvania issued 120,000 postal votes, but collected more than 200,000. That means that 80,000 were mixed with counterfeit votes, and if all of these were for Biden votes, then Mr. Trump can do good battle win Biden in PA.)

⑦ Non-resident votes are counted
(31,468 votes were voted by non-Nevada citizens. If these are all for Biden votes, then Trump and Biden are almost equal)

⑧ Vote buying with presents were counted
(In Nevada, Biden supporters gave some presents to the Native American people if those natives promises to vote for Biden.)

⑨ Vote counting was done without presence of observers
(This is a clearly violation of Constitution. This alone should force a recount. In PA and MI, observers were forced to be away from vote counting places. I hear that 680,000 votes were counted in the absence of election observers in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania alone. In Georgia, it seems that democrats vote counters told observers fake info that water supply system got trouble and so observers had to leave the place, so observers went out of the building but it was fake info and democrats vote counters started count ballots in the hidden suites cases. Even more, they did scanned same ballots many times. Full of frauds in GA. But unfortunately, those cheating were recorded in the video. So, those PA, MI, GA should redo recounting with the presence of observers and check signatures one by one. They are hiding something they do not want to show.)

➉ Invalid votes by mail with fake date stumped with instruction of post office were counted
(Although the deadline is 3rd of Nov, post office forced workers to stump date stump of 3rd to any ballots came after 3rd, and those fake valid ballots by mail were counted. But those are invalid. It seems that there are many cases like that in Michigan and in Pennsylvania. The postal worker who confessed that it was forced by his boss but he was threatened later and he was fired at the end. Shame on this boss and the local government and local democrats who forced this.)

⑪ The rule for extending the voting deadline has been changed by the state government, and it is violating constitution.
(It also happened in Pennsylvania at the governor's decision. It's unconstitutional.)

⑫ vote by mail without checking signature is invalid but counted
(In Georgia, there was no signature confirmation even after recounting)

⑬ Invalid counting by Dominion were counted 
(High error rate 68% was confirmed by the court in Michigan while acceptable error rate is 0.008%. This machine should not be used. Illegal. Major problem of this is if those counting error occurs, then the operators are supposed to type the name and any info by themselves. But in many cases, input information were not true. There were 10,000 cases with name Biden with the birthday Jan 1st of 1900 were found. If such people exists, they were 120 years old. Those are easy to find out but there should be more fake ballots with wrong information input by operators out there. In fact, in the public hearing in MI, a Detroit election observer explained that he saw a computer operators had manually input the names and addresses of thousands of voting forms into the system. He confirmed that they did it because Wayne County Elections Secretariat forced them to do so. He also saw that the birthdays of all those votes were all January 1, 1900. It is same as above witness. Also, online connection function to this kind of vote counting machine is not allowed but this Dominion machine does have such function even though Dominion HQ deny it(lie). And this allows bad guys to change the data remotely. It is illegal to use dominion machine for elections.)

Looking at all those cases, it is too obvious that there were many many vote fraud which you should not be accepted. Biden is not winning. His win is made up of cheat and fake information. You need to deny this fake election result.

Election fraud is the denial of each person's precious right to vote. No matter how seriously each person votes, if this kind of fraud happens, votes by each of you becomes meaningless. This is violating constitution. If you allow this situation and if you let Biden becomes the president, then your democracy is destroyed. Over. 

Americans should speak out, Americans should deny those electors who were selected by fake election results in those 6 swing states with many doubts. Americans should requires recounting in those doubtful 6 states at least. It should be done without postal voting, without Dominion, in the presence of observers with signature checking. But Revote is the best! Please claim it!

You should make actions now! Otherwise, the democracy in America will be dead.

2) Dominion

(1) High error rate recognized by the court in MI and fraud caused by manual input

Again, error rate of Dominion vote counting machine was investigated by audit which was asked by the court in MI and found that error rate was 68%! Nearly 70% are error. This cannot be used for election!

In this 68% of errors, it seems that errors at multiple places on one ballot were counted. So if you count numbers of ballots with errors, even if we assume count it conservatively, we can say it is about 17% of error we should see.
But the permissible error rate for counting ballots for elections is actually 0.008%.  So different. We should not use this kind of garbage machine.

The number of votes obtained in doubtful 6 states +NM using this Dominion vote counting machines are shown below.

It shows how much Biden and Trump got and it shows the gap, the margin on the right side.

Pennsylvania (total vote 6,838,186. Biden 3,459,923. Trump 3,378,263. Margin 81,660),
Michigan (total vote 5,453,892. Biden 2,804,040. Trump 2,649,852. Margin 154,188),
Wisconsin (Total vote 325,050. Biden 163,866. Trump 161,184. Margin 2,682)
Georgia (Total vote 4,936,344. Biden 2,474,507. Trump 2,461,837. Margin 12,670),
Arizona (total vote 3,333,829. Biden 1,672,143. Trump 1,661,686. Margin 10,457)
Nevada (Total vote 1,373,376. Biden 703,486. Trump 669,890. Margin 33,596),
New Mexico (Total vote 903,508. Biden 501,614. Trump 401,894. Margin 99,720)

Assuming that 17% of all 6 doubtful states + NM vote results are all for Biden votes.

Please see below numbers. They are 17% of total votes of each 6 doubtful states + NM.

On the other hand, the difference in votes between Biden and Trump in each 7 states were shown as "margin" on the upper right.
If you compare the above "margin" and below 17% of total votes in each 7 states, then you can see that if you deduct below 17% from Biden votes, then the Biden's votes becomes less than Trump's result. That means we may be able to say that Mr. Trump won in all those 6 swing states + New Mexico.

17% of total vote
Pennsylvania 1,162,492.
Michigan 927,162.
Wisconsin 55,259.
Georgia 839,178.
Arizona 566,751.
Nevada 233,474.
New Mexico 153,596.

Again, error rate of this machine is 17%. But it is supposed to be 0.008%.  So different.
But it may be they intentionally made like this to let them do bad things.
Because if ballots cannot be read by scanner, then operators are supposed to manually input the data. In that process, many fraud can be happened. Because operators can input any information he wants. Like the case of Wayne County above, we saw there were 10,000 cases of name Biden with the birthday of Jan 1st of 1900. 
This was done by order from the Election Administration Commission Secretariat.
They forced operators to input Biden Biden Biden to those unreadable ballots. Crime by local government. Hard to believe but true. Then 17% of ballots becomes all Biden votes even if they may be not originally. Many of them could be for Trump but operator will not care it.

This high error rates allows bad guys to do bad things as much as they want to. 
So, you should not allow your state government to use Dominion anymore.

② Online, backdoor function allows data change remotely 
Basically vote counting machine should not be connected to internet because it will allow remote data changing if there is back door function. Such vote counting machine which can be connected to internet should not be used for this purpose. But Dominion machine can be connected to internet and those were being used in 29 states including doubtful 7 states.

In the public hearing in Arizona, ex-army server security pro came to the hearing session and he explained that he confirmed that all Dominion machines in 29 status were connected to internet and it was hacked from Frankfurt. Frankfurt is place where the dominion servers were located and those server collect all data from dominion machines in US, and integrate those data, and return those counted results back to US. (Frankfurt is famous for a rumor that US army attached to get those dominion servers and fought against CIA) 
He said hackers can easily access to server and take data out and change it and return it back to server remotely from outside of Germany. He also said he checked the web traffic on that Election Day and he saw that traffic gained a lot on that day.
He also confirmed that connection to Frankfurt servers from all 29 status were confirmed but this is different from what Dominion people are explaining to congress. They used to say it is closed system. But it was lie.

On 4th of Nov, 4 AM in the morning, people were watching real time vote counting live TV and some people noticed that suddenly numbers of vote of Trump was reduced 18K and Biden vote gained 18K at the same time. It seems the shift of vote suddenly happed. IT expert in US also noticed it and started to wonder what is going on. And he started to analyze the data from Edison Research. Edison Research is the major data supplier for voting and majority of all TV use their data. So this IT expert studies and analyzed that such data transfer happened several times, and even voting data of Mr. Trump has deleted and it happened several times. His summary was, in Pennsylvania, 220K votes were transferred from Trump to Biden, and 940K votes were disappeared, so, total of 1.16M votes were lost from Mr. Trump.
If he had such 1.16M votes, he could easily win in PA. In Michigan, he found that 20K votes were transferred from Trump to Biden, and 21K votes were disappeared, so total of 42K votes were lost from Mr. Trump. In Georgia, 17K votes were transferred from Trump to Biden, and 33K votes were disappeared, so total 50K votes were lost from Mr. Trump. If he had such 50K votes, he could easily win in GA.

Pennsylvania (Transferred 220,883.deleted 941,248. Total 1,162,131)
Michigan (Transferred 20,213. deleted 21,882. Total 42,095)
Georgia (Transferred 17,407.deleted 33,574. Total 50,981)

It is believed that these loss of votes for Mr. Trump were done by hacking to the server in Frankfurt from outside of Germany. According to some sources, the server in Frankfurt was accessed from China and Iran.

③ Bad reputation for some time and buying politician by money to let them have Dominion in their states

Dominion has bad reputation for long time. So normal states do not buy them. Texas did not. Those who decided to have Dominion machines in their states, they were all rumored that they were bought by Dominion. What a shame. 
Even some republican mayors were also suspected that they were also bought by Dominion such as Governor of Georgia Brian Kemp, or the Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger or Governor of Arizona Ducey.It was pointed out by lawyers such as Sydney Pawel or Lin Wood. Even those governors were republicans, it seems like they are betraying Mr. Trump by let Biden wins by using such untrustworthy vote counting machine. And behind all those bad rumors, there are some bad incidents were happening in GA. A boyfriend of the daughter of Kemp was died in the traffic accident but his car was only car exploded so badly. Very strange. And a police man who was investigating this accident was suddenly killed himself. Suicide. But those who know this police man say that he is not a kind of man who can kills himself. For both cases, it seems not natural. And it looks like both cases were murders. And it seems those case send a message to Kemp and trying to give him a pressure by showing those murders and may be they are trying to say to Kemp that you or your families will be next target if you reveals any secrets to public or to Trump administration or lawyers. I assume so.
Also Mitchell McConnell, the leader of senate of Republicans who recently accepted Biden's victory was also rumored that he was also one who got some money from Dominion. 
As I explained above, Dominion is easy to create Fraud because it is easy to change voting results intentionally by hacking from outside or by inputting date by the operator when reading of ballots by scanner fails. So Dominion vote counting machines were fascinating tool for those who really wanted to do bad things and it is a fascinating tool for those who really wanted to kick Mr. Trump out from the White house.Because winning of Biden can be secured if they use Dominion system because it can change the voting results so easily. This tool bring a paradise to those bad guys. 
So, for China and for Democrats, it was really necessary to spread this Dominion machine all over US as much as they can.

④ Dominion is owned by the Chinese Communist Party, and the Democratic Party is deeply involved.
It is also said that Dominion was sold from its parent company, Staple Street Capital to UBS Securities (practically a part of CCP) in October.
Dominion is CCP's company now. There is no doubt that China was also involved in buying governors by money to let them use Dominion machines. It is also said that China brought a lots of fraudulent ballots to US and it seems like there was a leak of information from Chinese Americans who witnessed this transportation of those fraudulent ballots to US.

And as I said above, many say that CCP helped to change voting results by hacking remotely to Dominion systems by hacking server in Frankfurt. There is no doubt that CCP played a major role in this fraudulent election this time.

Another major player in this election fraud was Democratic Party.
Richard Bram, husband of Democrat Dianne Feinstein is a shareholder of Dominion. 
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's adviser is a senior employee of Dominion. 
In addition, Dominion machine uses software of Smartmatic inside but the Chairman of Smartmatic, Peter V. Neffenger, is actually member of Biden's administration.
Also, George Soros, an anti-Trump Democratic supporter and a big supporter of Kamala Devi Harris was close to Dominion, and the Dominion headquarters in Canada shared a floor with Soros' office. Soros has some connection with Dominion's parent company, Staple Street Capital (SSC). SSC has close relation with the Carlyle Group and Soros has close relation with the Carlyle Group. They are all connected and close. Soros is known as a supporter of the far-left group, ANTIFA, and Dominion's vice president is a member of ANTIFA. With all those facts, we can say that Dominion has close relationship with CCP and Democrats and Soros. They are all Anti Trump people.

We assume that all those Anti Trump people such as Democrats and Soros and CCP really wanted to spread Dominion systems all over US as much as they can because winning of Biden can be secured because changing voting results is easy with this Dominion system.
As Biden said, they might have tried to have “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” 
But for most of good and ordinary Americans, they cannot accept this kind of election fraud happening because it will make the vote by each person meaningless.
It is deny of precious right to vote that all American has, and this kind of Fraud destroys democracy. We are seeing end of democracy.

Whatever the reason is why Dominion machine were used, good ordinary Americans should not accept this. You should not accept the facts that many bad politicians are intentionally using such horrible Dominion vote counting machines in order to have fake voting results by hacking and manual input of intentional wrong information by operators to let Biden wins. Again, this is denying precious right to vote that all American has. It is insulting US voters. US voters should not forgive this kind of voter frauds. And you should ask for recount all over US.

Since the margin of votes between Biden & Trump were small in all those 6 swing states, if the 17% of voting results is fake and they are all counted for Biden as fraud, then it should be deducted from Biden votes then Mr. Trump will win in all those 6 swing states. Then he will be the president again
I guess even democrats with good hearts will not be happy if they find out Biden won by fraud. I guess democrats with good hearts will also agree to do revote or recount for sure. They will also claim so loudly.

Chapter (3) & (4) will be in next article. Please read them. Thanks.

