The article#481. 『All-Biden Votes』 >250K of uncounted 100% pure Biden votes in two states. 7 wonders

2020-11-06 05:23:18 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hello. This is Kohanbito as lake man.
When I woke up yesterday morning, I found that the situation of president election 2020 had been changed dramatically. But I felt something strange. Something weird. So, I did trying to check what was happening behind the scene on the web,and I found that good YouTube site of a smart guy from my favorite political party. He was claiming some doubts about cheating done by Democrats. I would call it 7 wonders of the president election 2020.
Wonder (1). In the early morning of Nov 4th, in Wisconsin and in Michigan, suddenly huge uncounted ballots were found and that caused Biden to win in those two states. It happened at same timing at two different places. Strange. It seems those were done based on a plan which was made by somebody.
Wonder (2). 120K of uncounted votes in Wisconsin, 138K of uncounted votes in Michigan were found in the early morning of 4th of November. But all of them, all those more than 250K of ballots were all for Biden. None of them are for Mr. Trump. It cannot be happened. 100% pure Biden ballots. No way. So strange and unnatural.
Wonder (3). Voting rate of Wisconsin in last election was 67%. That was a lot higher than the average. But this time 89%. Unrealistically too high.This cannot be happened. In Milwaukee(the biggest city of Wisconsin), it was 71%. That means rest of small cities or small towns should have much higher voting rate like over 90%. But those figures are not realistic numbers. There must be something happened intentionally in those areas.
Wonder (4). When the 138K of uncounted ballots in Michigan were found, actually the ballot-counting place in Michigan was covered by white walls so that vote counting were invisible and all Republicans there were all kicked out from that place. It was occupied by Democrats. Is this allowed? Isn't this illegal?
Wonder (5). Arizona is basically the state of Republicans. So, Mr. Trump and Republicans thought that it is easy to win Arizona. But before ballot counting was finished, all the TV stations started to announce that Biden won Arizona. Why? Strange.
Wonder (6). In Pennsylvania, state government officer ordered to count those ballots even they came after the deadline. And officer ordered ballots counters to pretend those ballots came before deadline. This is cheating.
Wonder (7). For voting, preregister is required. So only those who did preregister can vote. 
And numbers of people who did preregister in North Carolina were 5.16 M people. But the total number of ballots in North Carolina were 5.38 M.
What is this difference of this 200K comes from? 200K voters did vote twice? Strange.
Furthermore, any Anti Trump Medias including news presenters of NHK are all saying same phrase "President Trump unilaterally declared victory and he started to claim that fraud has occurred without showing any evidence". All of them say same phrase. It sounds like they have well prepared and well practiced to say so when Mr. Trump starts to claim about this cheating. So unnatural.

It makes me imagine that Democrats and those who has sympathy to Democrats might have shared same scenario and acts as they planned.
It make me think that there was a possibility of an organization crime happened. A writer of FEDERALIST mentioned those above strange things on Twitter. But Twitter Company blocked his tweet. They did it again like the case of Hunter Biden. They are friendly to Democrats. Not fair SNS.
So, I think the claim of Republicans who claims about recounting is fair.
Even I think doing the election again without mail votes should be done.
Mr. Trump should never declare defeat, he should claim fraud, and At least recounting should be done. Re-voting without mail vote is the best. Don't give up Mr. Trump! This is obviously cheating. Crimes. We should not be trapped by this cheap trick. This could be an organization crime by Democrats.You should not lose this battle Mr.Trump and Republicans!
Keep on Fighting! and God bless you all!
Kohanbito as lake man

