Article#484. Stressful weekend Nov.15th 3 lies of Major Medias and Democrats

2020-11-16 00:45:22 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hi this is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

More you study, more you find out corruptions of Major Medias and Democrats in America.

All Medias including ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, and conservative Real Clear Politics, all now claim that Biden won in all states including Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. 

But they are all telling a lie because Georgia is now recounting, Arizona and Pennsylvania are under the legal battle.

Medias outside of U.S. are also corrupt such as BBC in UK or NHK in Japan. And FOX which we thought friendly to Mr. Trump seems now being changed.
Democrats and a portion of Republicans like Mitt Romney are all telling a lie and trying to let Mr. Trump to give up winning. But they are all wrong. And it is a shame.

Below are 3 lies of Major Media and Democrats.

●lies of Major Media and Democrats (1) A postal worker Mr. Hopkins of Pennsylvania withdrew whistleblower?

Washington post had claimed that a postal worker Mr. Hopkins in Pennsylvania withdrew his whistleblower about the fact that date stamp for Nov 3rd were stamped even to all ballots came after the dead line. It was true that a US Postal Service Researcher had visited him and threatened him. Medias or Democrats might thought or expected that he got scared and he will withdraw his claim but reality is, Mr. Hopkins denied it on YouTube.

And then after that, he was fired. What a sad story. How evil Post office and democrats are. And then an observer of house of rep also claimed that Hopkins withdrew the claim again, but later it was found that it is just a lie. It seems there is no justice in U.S. if Democrats wins. Mr. Hopkins has been claiming this cheat with "Affidavit". Affidavit means he will be arrested if he tells a lie. His claim is real and true. And Democrats and Post office side cannot do Affidavit because they are not telling truth.

●lies of Major Media and Democrats (2) lawyers of Republicans gave up proceeding Pennsylvania and Arizona?

The smart man from my favorite political party who I often refer was also claiming that Medias and Democrats were all telling a lie. I tried to find out the reason why they tell such a lie but and I learned that there was one thing that might cause to make them think that way.
That was a case that state court judged that the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania does not have a light to change the rule of ballet counting.

Usually, ID is necessary for Voting by mail, and if voter forgot to provide ID, then voter needs to provide ID within 9days.But this Secretary of State changed it to 12 days with her own decision. But later it was denied by the state court. As a result of it, 2K ballots were denied. But at the time, the gap between Biden and Mr. Trump was more than 54K ballots, so, 2K of ballots did not change the situation and it did not let Mr. Trump to win. That might be the reason why major Media and Democrats might thought that lawyers of Republicans gave up proceeding in those states but that is not true.

We found that this was the case that we can say they did cheated. And this  proves that they were telling a lie. And it indicates us that there will be more evidences of their crimes will be revealed. Lawyers of Republicans are going to file some proceedings in the future.

As Press Secretary of Ms.McEnany has been claiming. There are thousands of "Affidavit" being claimed from all over U.S. Again, Affidavit means they will be arrested if they tell a lie. So, this proves those who signed on Affidavit are very true and they have claimed with confidents. So, we should know their actions are not light, very serious and heavy.

And one of the most important claims might be again, the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania changed the rule of counting ballots. The dead line for voting was Nov 3rd as all we know but she did changed it to Nov.6th with her own decision. And with this decision, some hundred thousands of votes were additionally counted even though they are all invalid. If that additional counts after dead line were denied by the court, then the situation of Pennsylvania will be dramatically changed. The Supreme Court ordered state of Pennsylvania to keep all those ballots which came from Nov 4th. We hope Supreme Court will judge this case right and deny all those votes which came after the dead line.

●lies of Major Media and Democrats (3) Biden won in Georgia?

Georgia is now recounting. And it will be done manually. But all major medias claim that Biden won in Georgia but they are all wrong and telling a lie. Manual counting will take another a few weeks. We are not sure whether counting will be finished before 8th of December which is the dead line for deciding the elector of the state of Georgia. If the recounting is not finished by 8th, then state congress will decide the elector, then since Georgia is the state of Republicans, there will be a great chance for Mr. Trump wins in Georgia.

These below information are mainly coming from Chinese American media which is based in NY.

・Justice Secretary Mr. Barr has ordered an investigation into election frauds before the election results are finalized. Usually this kind of investigation will occur after the election is done but this time he did it before closure of vote counting. This probably mean that he has sure and strong evidences to prove those election frauds are true. Mr. Barr was talking with VIP in Republican Mr. McConnell in advance of this announcement. And Mr. McConnell was also started to show his understanding and his support to Mr. Trump’s legal approach. It seems they are very confident about proving crimes of Biden side and very likely Biden will lose this game.

・ The post office seems to be very close to the Democratic Party and that might be the reason why Nancy Pelosi or Soros as the big supporter of Democrats have pushed voting in mail but this time we all learned that how dangerous voting in mail is. So U.S should never allow this voting in mail in future again. So dangerous and it will allow uncountable cheatings to be happened.

・As I mentioned before, the Michigan fraud, a Detroit election observer who signed the affidavit and telling that he saw a computer operator manually input names and addresses of thousands of empty ballots. And that was done by the direction of the Wayne County Elections Office. And he saw all the birthdays on those ballots were January 1st, 1900. That means all of them are dead people. We cannot count votes of dead people.

・The reason why Secretary of Defense Mr.Esper was fired was probably that Mr. Trump is confident to win the battle, and if he wins, then ANTIFA will riot all over U.S., then military should stop them but if Mr.Esper stays in his position, then he will not accept the order, then that will put American citizens in danger, and Mr. Trump might thought that he cannot let this happen and he needs to protect American people. That must be the reason why he fired Mr.Esper. But this tells us that Mr. Trump is very confident to win this battle by proving that Democrats did something illegal with some good evidences. 

I assume it seems more shocking news we will see soon.
I will update those information soon.


Kohanbito as Lake Man

