The article #37. Spiritualism or Atheism, Recommendation to live with clear philosophy (1)

2017-08-06 00:13:17 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hi, this is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

The new fiscal year has begun. (This article was written in Japanese on April 3rd) It seems many people around me feel that the time passes so quickly. So I think it is better to talk about any important topics as earlier as possible since we get older and older so quick.
In the article #3, I recommended you to live with setting goals to achieve in your life in order to live your rest of your life without regret. In the article # 4 and #5, I explained about my spiritual view of the world.
As I explained in the article #4, this world is the aggregation of thoughts of all different kinds of people. As we see the world, some are believers of god, and some are atheists who see this world as just results of accidents, and among believers, there are some clannish people who believe that only what they believe is good but rest of them are all evils and should be disappeared.

●Universal spiritual view of the world
My conclusion was, as I explained in the article # 4 & #5, as essence of all different kinds of religions and thoughts or philosophies, as the greatest common divisor of those, we are all children of God, and we are all leafs of the life tree (universal tree) of God, that is why we are all brothers and sisters each other, and we are all spiritual existences, and we were all born and die again and again in the reincarnation, and gain the understanding about ourselves and about this world and about God and we are all getting closer to God in the reincarnation. That is my conclusion about the truth figure of this world. And such ways of seeing world are something in common that we can find out in many different religions and thoughts or philosophies. So we may be able to say they are universal. I talked about such things in those two articles.
Therefore, since we are all children of God, we should say there is no absolute evils that we should destroy. But even that is so, if there are some existences who lead people far from the truth mentioned above, or if there are some existences who make people deny spirituality or if they make people to become too hedonistic or too materialistic, and if there are people who are too exclusive to other religions or different thoughts or races or colors, then such group of people may be too dangerous to God’s intention. If such group of people who have possibility to lead people to different directions from the intention of ultimate gods are becoming too active and causing some bad influences to mankind, then ultimate gods may become unhappy about such situations and then they will try show the sign to let people understand that ultimate ones are quite unhappy about what people did by bringing disasters, and ultimate ones will try to make people to reconsider by such disaster. All those things might be the true figure of this world as I explained in the article #15 as well. I really think so. And I also mentioned that there is a super new religion that explains about multi-dimensional universe with above mentioned points very clearly and logically in Japan. Even such a new movements are coming up, there are still many people who cannot believe in such spiritual world. Those people are what we call materialists or atheists.

●invisible is not equal to non-existence
Those people materialists or atheists say that spirits or God do not exists because they are invisible and those existence cannot be confirmed repeatedly by many people at the same time. But in this modern world, there are many invisible existences. Like we rely on the internet technology, those data are transferred as digital signals (01 binary signal) in visible signal through fibers or invisible radio signals. And those signals are converted to sounds or visions on screen by signal converters. Using those converted signals, we enjoy talking on the phone or seeing movies on LCD screens or listening to music. That is our modern world. But before those signals were converted by converters, they are just transferred signals which cannot be recognized by us. Those signals are just some kind of electromagnetic waves or lights flying in the air or in the fibers. So, even if those signals are passing next to you, we cannot recognize the existences of those signals until those signals were captured and converted by converters. So, even if there are some invisible intellectual existences are sending messages to mankind with signals with uncertain frequencies, if we do not have any devices to detect and convert those signals into understandable formats, we cannot recognize the signals and even we cannot notice the fact that messages have been sent by such invisible existences.
In such case, that does not mean invisible intellectual existences do not exist, but it is just matter of lack of technology. By the immaturity of our scientific capacity, we cannot deny such invisible intellectual existences. Right now, the detection of messages from invisible intellectual existences such as spirits or gods are limited to mediums or prophets or spiritualists who has special psychic abilities. But in future, if we can invent the devices to detect and convert signals from such invisible intellectual existences, situations can be different. Now using THz frequency range, some scientists are trying to use those waves to detect dangerous items at the security gates in airport. The frequency range of signals from holy spirits could be in much higher frequency range than THz, there is such a possibility. We should not close our doors for such possibilities. We should not deny the existence of invisible intellectual beings just by the fact that we have not succeed to detect their massages which may be sent in undetected uncertain frequency range which we may discover in future.

●Possibility of existence of invisible intellectual beings
If we are asked how much percentage you can expect the possibility of existence of invisible intellectual beings, then, we should say it is simply yes or now, so that it is simply 50%:50%. The possibility that invisible intellectual beings do not exist is just 50%, it is not 90%. So, atheists should not claim that nonexistence of invisible intellectual beings is almost like undeniable truth. It is 50% vs. 50%. Just a half.
So, I want to say to atheists that they should also be modest to the rest of 50% of possibility of existence of invisible intellectual beings. They should not close their door to the possibility at least in their mind.

●Questions to Darwinism
Many of atheists tend to claim that we are just results of evolution and we have evolved from simple microbes in the sea, and gradually evolved and finally we become human beings from ape. All those process happened as accident so that we are just results of many accidents and happenings. This kind of way of seeing world is deny of God and such a way of seeing world is based on Darwinism.
But to me, such a view of the world based on Darwinism is like being forced to believe in cheap religion.
As a basic question, it is simply a question to me that how the first organism or first living being were born in this planet while this planet was originally mass of magma and it was too hot that no living things could exists. The earth was full of simple inorganics. There were no organics including mold or simple microbes.
From such a condition, it is hard to imagine how first simple organic existence were born from such full of stones or rocks while there were no mold or simple microbes. How?? I wonder how people (especially scientists) can imagine such first moment that first organic existence were appeared from rocks. I admire those people (especially scientists) have such rich capability of rich imagination. But I think it is really hard to believe such a thing could happened as accidents. To me, it is like a funny joke.

Next question is about Darwinism, the theory of evolution. It is about how we can get new species but having a new species is generally speaking impossible thing to happen if you think about the process. Copulation or hybridization can be happened inside of same species, but we cannot go beyond the wall of species by that. We cannot create new species between dog and cat, or dog and fish, or frog and reptile.
People who support Darwinism or the theory of evolution tend to claim that mutation is the answer. But with mutation, color or some minor parts can be changed but becoming completely new species is impossible. And to create new species, mutants should be born many at the same time in order to create many of their offspring to create new species. One mutant cannot leave offspring so. But usually mutant is very rare, so that it is hard to believe that new species can be created from mutation.
Such this scenario is too difficult to realize. There is obviously a gap in this logic.

I know some people point out that genetic similarity indicates that many species include monkey and humans shares same ancestors.
It is just my imagination but I assume the one who created organic living being from inorganic was God like higher being for sure. And the reason why there are many different species exist, I believe those were also done by God like higher being as well. But for some levels of creations of new species could be done by mankind in the past like we are in such possibility now. If there were some unrecorded ancient eras when the mankind had higher scientific advantages in genetic technologies like now or even better than now, such old mankind could create some species. That could be one of possible scenarios. And if there were some highly intellectual beings from universe flied down to this planet earth in ancient eras and made some genetically changes to some simpler ancient creatures on this planet, and created many different species including mankind, that is also acceptable scenario to me.
But believing in “organic thing and living being were born from inorganics by accidents or from simpler microbes in the sea, we human has appeared by many mutations in time” is really hard thing for me. I am surprised to see many of modern people can believe in such illogical theory. That is a new religion. And I hope they calm down a little and I hope they find out soon that such a theory of evolution is not so logical and not so realistic theory to believe in.

●Spiritualism or atheism(materialism), which makes our social life better?
Next, we would like you to imagine which way of thinking can make our social life better (safer to live and trustworthy) between spiritualism and atheism (materialism).
Spiritualists who believe in God and spirits supposed to control what they think in their minds because they know that what they think in their minds can be seen by invisible spirits and invisible god like existences, so that they try to control their thoughts and they try to be nice even in their minds and they try to live with teachings of gods and seeing people as brothers and sisters since they understand that we are all leaves of one big god tree so we are all children of God therefore we should love and trust and respect and care each other. At least they try hard to be better person in such a direction. As you can imagine, if the majority of people in this world have such spiritual way of thinking like above. This world should be full of good people, full of trustworthy people and it will be a place like a heaven.
On the other hand, if the majority of people are atheists, who does not believe invisible existences like spirits or gods who are watching all our actions and all our thoughts, then majority of people would have no break to stop their bad thinkings in their minds(because they think no one can see what they think in their minds) and so they do not try to control their thinking to be good(because they think no one can see what they think in their minds) or they will not feel shame even if their mind status is like evil and far from what Gods expects us to be(because they think no one can see what they think in their minds and simply they do not believe in God and they see no meaning and value in being good), so that what they say and what they think tend to be different and they do not hesitate to tell lies and has no hesitation to do bad things and has no hesitation to hurt others as long as it does not break laws or as long as no one see it. If you have a choice to put your children into those two kinds of world, if you were asked to which world you prefer, I am sure that majority of parents choose the world with full of spiritualists, full of god believers. Because you can trust the world with full of people who try to be nice and good and honest and kind each other.
Now Japanese government try to put the curriculum of moral as a requirement in the elementary school and junior high school level but if the society is full of atheists, then they may see moral as just human made social rules which has no strong sense of enforcement to people to follow because they do not believe in God. Other god believers of spiritualists tend to see those morals has religious background so that they tend to take them more serious but atheists are not. So, the government should know that the moral class can be meaningless if the majority of kids are atheists. For atheists, they have nothing to scare of except death or pain, they do not see value in being good and they do not see value in control of their minds to be good because they do not believe in God watching their minds. For them, laws or morals are just made for their convenience and self-protection purpose by human beings who exist as result of many accidents in the process of evolution and who has apes as ancestors.
So, moral class can be meaningful to spiritualists or god believers but for atheists, doing moral class could be waste of time.
So, before the government start to talk about having the moral class as requirement, they need to be aware that having proper god believers or proper spiritualist as majority in society is the first thing they need to realize as the basis and preparation to have moral class in school.
Not only this moral class case but also for any other occasions, this world seems not function properly if majority of people are not proper god believers. For example, if majority of people in this world are not God believers who see the God’s will behind laws, the meaning of laws will be lighter to those people. For god believers, if they see God’s will behind laws, they will take laws more serious than atheists.
So, it seems that this world does not function well if the majority of people are not proper god believers. Proper god believers are people who see that we are all leaves of god tree and so we are all brothers and sisters and we are all children of God and we were born and died many times in the reincarnations process in order to gain our experiences and gain our understandings about this universe and ourselves and about God.
Without them, it seems this world will not go right.

●Conclusion for today
I may revise it later but for today, my conclusions are,
・atheists should not close their minds to the possibility of existence of God or spirits because the possibility of it is still 50%.
・atheists should not close their minds to the possibility of existence of God or spirits just for the reason that they are invisible because there are many invisible signals or waves around us for communication purpose and there could be other undiscovered and undetected wavelengths of signals which may be omitted from invisible intellectual existences such as gods or sprits.
・atheists tends to use the theory of evolution or Darwinism as their theoretical back ground but their theory are not so trustworthy for the gap of logic and for the fact that the theory is based on very unrealistic and unreasonable imagination. We should calm down and we should see it again with rational eyes and with logical way of thinking.
・If the majority of people on this planet are proper god believers who see that we are all leaves of god tree and we are all brothers and sisters and we are all children of God and we were born and died many times in the process of reincarnations in order to gain our experiences and our understandings about this universe and about ourselves and about God.
Then since they see each other as children of God and brothers and sisters each other, they care and respect and be kind to each other and they will be shame on themselves even if they think something bad in their minds, so, they are people we can trust. If the world is full of such nice people, this world will be safer and nicer place to live. And you can trust such world and many parents of kids will prefer to let their kinds to stay in such world.
・As I mentioned above, this world seems does not function if we deny the existence of gods and spirits, so, I recommend to atheists or to people who are close to god believers but not so sure yet that you better imagine above world with full of proper god believers, and I ask you to recognize and accept that the world with such proper god believers make the world nicer and safer and better place to live. So please consider you also become one of such proper god believers and I recommend you to start to live with such philosophy from now, from today since our life is too short.
Please start to live with the conscious that we are all children of God, yourself and others also. That is my recommendation today.

See you next time.

Kohanbito as Lake Man.

