Article #482.Sad weekend 2020 Nov 8th(1)Detailed careful promising plan & explosion Time bomb...

2020-11-15 16:12:22 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
This is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

Well, last weekend was sad weekend.
It was announced that Biden won.

We knew that this kind of situation will be happened, but when we face that reality, that makes us feel so sad.

On the other hand, there must be some group of people who might be feeling relieved.

First, China communist party, in Japan, LDP and his partner and that back ground organization, and those who major players in economy who are depending upon China,
Advertising agencies and TV stations such as NHK, in US, GAFA, and those globalists who are major players in economy are depending upon production in China, American major medias, FBI, democrats, ANTIFA and Soros, political opinion polls, those who has been called "Deep state", left wings including environmental activists. Outside of US, Greta Thunberg, Iran, WHO, etc...

And may be those who could be arrested due to the reason that trial of trapping Mr. Trump was found like HC and BO, Or Biden himself who could be highlighted more by Medias for those family scandal, or GWB who has special relationship with Bin Ladin, may be...

【1】detailed careful promising plan and explosion of the Time bomb

I do not why but some famous economists or consultants were 100% confident that Trump will lose the election for some reasons, and it seems Nancy Pelosi was also very confident about the winning of Biden 100%. It looks like there was a very strong and very detailed careful promising plan to beat Mr. Trump with many back up scenarios. And that scenarios seems being shared widely among those who shares common purpose worldwide from some time ago.

This is just my guess but I assume that plan were like this.

STEP (1)

This is just a guess but, as you know, some years ago, Wuhan's Bio-Research Institute had announced that they succeeded to make new corona virus which is originally from bat and 
Now can infect other animals. That is the fact.

From here, it is just guess but,
That was probably virus weapon but may be that virus was intentionally spread all over the world to realize "game change". It could be planned and executed by CCP. And that scenario was shared to democrats or those who share common purpose like major Medias, and used to destroy the best economy in US history and put Mr. Trump in the hard situation.

It seems it was very very successful.

STEP (2)

Mail-in voting. This was the most important point and this was the point that democrats or the biggest supporter Soros had been eager to realize. And this was the most important point to bring them win and it worked very well.

In the Corona situation, the government was supposed to pass the bill of the emergency economic package to give some money to US citizens in order to help their lives for a while before the lockdown urgently. Using that special circumstances, democrats put the "Mail-in voting" system in that bill. And it passed. And it is now used in the presidential election and exploding like time bombing. And this is probably becoming the biggest reason that democrats is winning. This was strongly pushed by Soros who is one of 3 top investors and rumored as a great supporter of democrats and left wings and ANTIFA. Some organizations which were under his influence had been strongly pushing this Mail-in voting system and trying spread drop box all over U.S.(Actually he is also supporting the company who makes ballot counting machines, so scary.)

And this is probably the reason why Pelosi was so confident.

Republicans knew that Mail-in voting will allow cheating. So they did not want it. Actually, Paterson, New Jersey, they did mail-in voting and found that 19% of ballots were fake. Fake ballots or stolen ballots were voted. So republicans did not want it but in the emergency situation of corona, mail-in voting was inserted in the package by democrats.

By the way, Soros was rumored as anarchist, anti-republicans, anti-Trump, anti-Israel, anti-police, using huge profits, trying to realize opposite of what Trump is trying to realize. Those are legalizing abortion, illegal immigrants, same-sex marriage, prostitution and drugs.
Also there is a rumor that he had been trying to support and raise left wing left-wing district attorneys all over U.S. And one of them was Kamala Devi Harris, the vice president candidate for Biden. Medias are talking like it is good to have a first lady vice president or a first black vice president or such, but we need to know that she might be left-wing and trying to legalize drug and so, very dangerous person to have as a top of U.S.
If Biden leaves white house for health problem or such, then this left wing, one of Soros children will lead the most strongest nation in the world. So dangerous. U.S becomes no more U.S. And U.S may become a toy of Soros.

So, Biden administration will be under the Soros's control.

And natural enemy of Soros is Rudy Giuliani who is the personal lawyer of Mr. Trump and a guardian angel of Mr. Trump. He will lead the lawyers who indict many many cheating in this election. And he will reveal all those frauds under the sun. And he will win.

Those info are mainly coming from a smart man from my favorite political parties who knows a lot about U.S. politics but I think those info are right.

Again, mail in voting was the time bombing that Soros and Democrats were set and now it is exploding and even though that was a backup plan since Trump is wining so strongly, they had to rely on this dangerous card.

STEP (3) 

Democrats and his supporters seem that they are trying to make people believe that majority of people are supporting Biden not Trump by using Major American Medias, and their related Medias all over the world, political opinion polls influencers such as Hollywood stars or POP stars. And they are also trying to hide any bad information related with Biden side using FBI to ignore them or hide them by saying there is no evidence. And it seems like it worked. As a matter of the fact, Biden family scandal was ignored by major Medias.

STEP (4) 

When the voting starts, if the situation is not good for Biden, democrats and his supporters start to cheat using the mail in voting. It seems it was executed early in morning of November 4th. Bring the fake ballots and suddenly ballots for Biden appears and claims that they are mail in voting. And push republican election observers away from the vote counting place, and cover that place and start cheat counting.

Asking major Medias to claim that there is no evidence in case stuffs or republicans start to claim about this cheats. And asking FBI to ignore or pretend that they take it seriously. 

It seems working well so far.

STEP (5) 

When the people get tired of waiting for the results of this election, suddenly declare that Biden won. And asking major media to say this win of Biden loudly and asking major countries to congratulate Biden. And trying to make it like a fact.

STEP (6)

Push pressure to Trump side by saying loud "you are loser, leave White house ASAP. Be a man, admit that you lost." Doing it as demo in front of white house. Doing it via major media every day. And asking FBI to threaten or trying to buy those claim the cheap of election. And make them quiet. We are in this phase now.

All those 6 steps are just a guess but I think not so far from reality.

(2) more than just an election of the president, 

In the history of mankind, we see many cases that evil side won and made up history as they liked by wrong info. But this time of election is not just one of it. Heavier meaning than we think. It is the battle between god believers and god deniers. Republicans are god believers. God deniers are CCP and his followers who trying to get profit out of it such economical giants, globalists, GAFA, Medias, entertainers and democrats. They are atheists and materialists and they prefer joy in body than being a children of god so they prefer drug.
So, this election is different than others. It is more like Armageddon. 
Mr. Trump was close Mr. Reagan but in his case, his competitor Gorbachev was on God' side.
But this time, all of his opponents and CCP supports including Japan are on the other side.
In such a situation, he is doing great fight.
And we truly respect his supporters.

So, unfortunately, at this moment, god deniers is winning. Evil side is winning. 
If this situation is being kept, then CCP will be in the process of next hegemony nation. New leader of the world.
Then Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Uighur will be in deep trouble. 
As we know from the scandal, CCP is grabbing the weak part of Biden. Biden cannot oppose to them. So, US is on CCP's hand. So, Mr. Trump has to win.

Moreover believe or not, Mr. Trump is becoming like an agent of God, so if he lose, then God himself will come and start to punish and ask us to change our mind by throwing some extraordinary super natural disasters which are beyond our imagination.
U.S will be heavily the target for that.

So, from that sense as well, Mr. Trump should win.

(3) Revealing obvious enemies, 

After this election result is being on media, we start to know those who hates Mr. Trump but being pleased to be on the opposite side.
On the other hand, we can rarely see those who see this situation fairly.
It was surprised to see Boris was celebrating Biden so quickly even though he was supported by Mr. Trump so much. 
But Mr. Putin and the Mexican president and Brazilian president are great since they wait for judge by courts.
We thought Fox is supporting Mr. Trump 100% but it sees not anymore. Sad to know it. 

(4)The battle just has started now

Since this is Armageddon, we cannot give this up so easily. Mr. Trump should ignore all noises he will hear.
He may wear headphone and he may need to meditate for a month and wait for the judge of courts.

Below are summary of what I heard from a smart guy from my favorite political party and from my favorite Japanese conservative opinion wed site but.

1) Wisconsin 89% of voting rate

Last time 67%、two election ago 70%、three election ago 69%、so average 70%. Theoretically possible but 89% is unreal.
The biggest city Milwaukee was 71%. This was same as an average. But other smaller areas, they should be >90%. Otherwise it won't go 89%.
WSJ writer also claims that this is unreal. In the morning of 4th of Nov, 120K of ballots were found and added suddenly. May be this was the reason. Unreal. Strange.

2) Michigan Antrim county upside-down in balance, wrong counting 

Last time Trump 62%, Clinton 32.5%, this time Trump 32.2% Biden 62.5%, upside down. Theoretically possible but cannot be happened. Since there was a doubt for counting, they double checked and found that counting software called "Dominion" did count wrong. 
And found that 6K ballots of Trump transferred to Biden. This was 1/3 of total votes. 

3) at Michigan where Biden won with the gap of 2.5%, Postal worker claimed cheat.

There was a Whistle-blowing of postal worker who works in Traverse City of Michigan claims that there was order from manager that ballots came after Nov 3rd should be changed to 4th of November.

4) Counting capacity of postal votes were 7K but 130K ballots increased.

Election observer of Detroit Michigan was at TCF center of Detroit.
They counted postal votes about 7000 on the night of 3rd.
But in the early morning a van came with 61 cartons with mail votes inside and 
16K ballets were brought, she were told. So vote counters were ready to count them but ballots went to other room, and everyone had to leave the place 5AM in the morning, and went home and at 7AM it was announced that 130K postal ballots were counted and added.
But for those who counted ballots know that it is impossible to count that many within 2 hours.
There was a big cheat happened in the early morning of 4th of November in Detroit.

Law of Michigan says accepting ballots should be closed at 8 pm of 3rd.
Any votes came after that should not be counted.

5) Cover of counting place at Michigan

At same Detroit ballot counting place, election observer of republicans were kicked out from that place and that place was covered by white plates. Counting ballots without having election observer is illegal.

6) Election observers were kicked out in Pennsylvania as well

Same thing happened in Pennsylvania as well. And when republican observer leave the room, vote counters of democrats crapped hands.
One of vote counters of Democrats claimed that observers were asked stay away 10~30 meters from the counting machine.
He felt guilty and he thought this is a challenge to democracy. He claimed on Twitter but erased by Twitter soon.
Also, Secretary of State of Pennsylvania ordered to vote counters to accept and count postal ballots with stamps of after Nov 3rd.
May be she did not want observer to find it. Horrible.

7) Ink cannot be recognized by machine used in Arizona

At voting place, voters were passed the pens with ink which cannot be read in the counting machine. This was intentional vote disruption.

8) 3K votes without lights  

Those who came to Nevada within 30days do not have lights to vote but they did. Those were more than 3000 cases. 

9) in North Carolina, 200K votes more than registered.

Voting can be done by those who registered previously. But reregister was 5.16M people but actually voters were 5.38M people. 200K more ballots than numbers of registered voters voted. Strange. May be 200K people voted twice???


・Trump side started Indictments in 4 states already.
・More than 3K claims of cheating was reported in Nevada.
・Dominion which caused miss counting in one country of Michigan were used in other 47 counties in Michigan. There must be many more miss counting.
・Dominion which caused miss counting were used in many other states as well. There must be many more miss counting.

Good thing is Supreme Court was ordered to Pennsylvania to keep ballots came after 3rd of Nov.

These cheats are just a portion of all. 
If recounting happens, and if Supreme Court judges, there is a great possibility that Mr. Trump wins.

Real election is election by electoral colleges which will be found on Dec 16th.
If electoral colleges were not decided at some status due to recounting or due to the ongoing legal battles, then state congress has light to select electors. So, republicans has more state legislators in those swing states, so more chance to get electors.
Even if election by electoral colleges cannot decide the president, then one representative from each state in the House of Representatives will vote and decide. Then, Republicans has more chance to win.

So, more chance for Mr. Trump to win if some states cannot decide the winner in those swing states. Mr. Trump may should hide somewhere for a month and come back later. Then he will see that his 2nd administration is ready to go.

Investigating cheat of democrats should be precisely done since their darkness is so deep.

Medias say Biden and Harris are good but we think not. Slave of China and One of Soros's children. Combination of XELL! 

So, Mr. Trump should win.
The battle just started, so just stay strong and keep on fighting Mr. Trump and his supporters!!!

You will win again. Mr. Trump!!

Kohanbito as lake man.

