Article#15. Disaster and gods

2021-07-24 16:49:28 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
※This is the English translation of the article 15 which was written in August 2016. I decided to translate this into English because I feel that an another one is coming soon. So…


Hi, this is Kohanbito as Lake Man.

Today, I would like to explain about how I see the cause of natural disaster and the relationship between the natural disaster and gods' will.

It seems that there are some cases of natural disasters such as earthquakes happened as warnings from gods. 

Also, looking back our history, it seems those disasters tend to be happened when the leaders of nations did not do politics with right minds (which Gods can give OK), or when people's minds are so unhappy and unstable due to wars or revolutions or by poverty or by moral corruptions which were led mainly by politicians.

Recently, many people here say that big earthquake happens when the Japanese governments were led by left-wings. (When the big earthquake in western Japan in 1995 happened, the prime minister was from the socialist party, when the Great East Japan earthquake happened in 2011, the prime minister was from the democratic party. Both socialist or communists were the leaders of Japan. Of course, Shinto gods dislike those who does not care those invisible existences who has been protecting and educating people of Japan for thousands of years). And this theory is now becoming like a common sense here.

I am not sure what was the real points which made Japanese Shinto gods to decide to press the button to do this (I assume the media who has damaging new religions leader with lies or I assume the prime minister at the time was so evil but not sure). Also I am not really sure how higher gods who are responsible for this planet earth were seeing those disasters in Japan. I do not know whether they see it positively or negatively.(I guess it was positive but)

But to understand what was it, I would like to review the basic relationship between human and the supreme god.

First, there was the God. Supreme one who is responsible for this planet earth.
And he may spread his lights into some smaller light beams and bubbles and made humans from them. If that is so, we may be able to say that we all humans are children of God or we may be able to say that we are part of God because we are made of God’s lights. On the other hand, it is for sure that we are not God himself. There is a big difference between creator and creatures. This difference can be described as a part and whole. And knowing the difference with God is very important for us to be humble.(if we become arrogant, then that means we are standing in front of the door of corruption which bring us to hell. We will be apart from God. Very dangerous. So we need to be humble all the time.)

We, human beings might be like tiny cells that make up the huge body of God. Such humans might be able to live by receiving spiritual light energy from the supreme God like blood. And also, such spiritual light energy which we were given by God can only be returned to God if we believe in God with respect and appreciation. Such thought of awe and gratitude will bring the light energy back to God. As I remember, I think some books that I read in the past taught me so.

Besides that, it seems that loving others and being kind and nice to others (such sense of love) also can make the returning of the light energy back to God possible. But the most major method of returning the light energy back to God is having sense of appreciation and awe to God. That is the most popular way.

So, if we stop having the sense of awe and gratitude, if we forget about it, then the light energy which God emitted to us will never be able to go back to God. We can imagine such a situation. On the other hand, I think we learned in the past that the energy of this universe is always same in total. I think I read it in some books in the past. But if that is really so, then that will automatically mean that God cannot keep emitting because his energy is “not” unlimited but he needs to have his energy back to himself because the total energy of this universe is always same. So, it requires energy circulation. If he can not have his energy back from us, then he will be lack of energy and it will make him not being able to keep emitting his light energy to us. Then we, human beings will be in trouble due to lack of spiritual energy. We will be spiritually dead at the end. So, for us, and for God, both needs to have energy circulation. And to make it work, we need to keep having sense of awe and gratitude to God in order to maintain such a energy circulation system normal. He may feel that his body is unhealthy because some organs inside of his body get damaged or spoiled or dead because it cannot receive blood due to obstacles inside of his blood vessels. As a worse case, it may cause heart attack due to the block of blood due to the obstacles inside of blood vessel. Lack of sense of awe or gratitude might be like this obstacle inside of blood vessel. So, if we humans forget to have such a sense of awe and gratitude to God, then God will sense it as dangerous situation which can kill himself and us, so, he will take it seriously and he will try to normalize this situation by disasters. And he will try to make us remember that we human are children of God and God can keep us alive by giving his light energy to us. Then energy will be returned back to him and this energy circulation system become normal. Therefore, we, humans should be humble all the time and we, humans need to have sense of awe and gratitude to God all the time. This is just my guess but this guess is not so bad and I assume that it is pretty close to truth.

From this, we can learn that having sense of awe and gratitude to God all the time is the most important mental attitude human should have. The top priority. Rest of things are secondary important but having sense of awe and gratitude to God all the time might be the most important mental attitude we should have. 

And I assume such a circulation system and the warning system(disaster) is an automatic sequenced program which will be automatically works when the level of lack of sense of awe and gratitude to God go below the threshold. And such a program was provided by the creator from the beginning. So, this disaster is more like automatical system rather than emotional punishment by gods. I assume. God’s emotion may work as a break to delay or weaken this automatic disaster system when he sees human are regretting their past behaviors or such. But disaster program may be activated automatically when our faith to God gets lower than threshold because it is a program. So, from that, we can see that we humans are the one who is causing those disasters.

And being nice persons with common sense is important and good thing for society. It is a lot better than being like a devil. But if there is no faith or fear to God in those who are nice persons, then we should say it is not good enough as children of God who can spiritually live with energy we receive from God. If there is no faith or fear to God, it will be sensed, and the automatical disaster system will be activated. 

Especially, I want to say this to Japanese people. There are many nice people with common sense and kind mind in Japan. I can see it. But not sure whether they have faith in God or not. So, I want to say to them that being nice is good but we should not forget about the basic fact and the relationship between human and the God. We are children of God and cells of God who can live with light energy we receive from God. So, we should keep having sense of awe and gratitude to God all the time. We should not forget that. I want to emphasize that part.

Also, sometimes, I hear people are saying that even if this disaster was caused by gods who are angry about selfish and corrupted politicians, but it is unfair that good people are also being damaged by disaster which was caused by such bad politicians. It is understandable such a claim as a human. And especially if you lose your important persons such as family members, then it may be really hard to accept the fact. I understand that. But if you look at how gods were seeing the situation, we may be able to see the situation differently.

As I explained before, if the whole energy of this universe is same all the time, and if the emitted light energy from God which was supposed to go back to God is not returning to the God due to the fact that we humans are forgetting about the sense of awe and gratitude to God even though we humans are supposed to be like a “pump” to return energy back to God, so that the light energy God emitted to us will not go back to God then it will remain in this 3D world and it will become stray unexpected energy which gives unexpected influence to the environment, and that will induce disasters. And that situation is like the energy circulation system is broken (due to the fact that we humans are forgetting about sense of awe and gratitude to God and it is like we humans have abandoned our duties) and the situation is like a blood is blocked by the obstacle inside of blood vessel, and then some internal organs inside of huge body of God will start to rot by the lack of blood. Then the body of God gets sick. In such a case, those internal organs inside of the body of God might be our human souls. If we, humans can not believe in God’s existence, in such lack of faith, we humans will not be able to receive such light energy from God. Because our faith is like an ID card for us to allow us to receive such light energy from God. When we lose our faith to God (losing ID number), then we will lose lights to access to God. Then our souls will start to rot. 

Let me try to explain using another example. This situation is like, if the God is like a huge tree with billions of leaves. And supposed we humans are leaves of God. If we humans lose faith in God, then we, leaves will not be able to receive water from tree due to the lack of faith, then leaves will start to die and will start to rot. If millions or billions of leaves are becoming like that, then the tree (God) will get shocked and will shake his branches to awaken each leaf to wake up and remembers that they are part of the tree. Then leaves will start to have the sense of awe and gratitude back to God and energy circulation system will be back to normal operation and the tree becomes healthy again. This may be what is happening behind disasters. I often think that way.

So, we may be able to say that the disasters are God’s action to normalize energy circulation system of God, and energy circulation system goes wrong when we, humans forget about the sense of awe and gratitude to God. So, we are the one who is causing disaster. If it is so, then we may not be able to simply blame God why good people are dying by disasters. Because we may be the cause of it. It may be just caused by lack of understanding for this system. It may be…

And it is important for us to imagine how creator will feel when creatures are forgetting about the creator. If he sees his creatures, and if he sees his children start to forget about their parent. And they start to rot due to lack of faith. He may be so sad, and he may get upset and shocked and he may try to make us remember as a parent of them. 
Also, from the point of view of what was the purpose of humans to livie in the 3D world many times in reincarnation system (which is often said that we are supposed to get closer to God through many lives in the reincarnation by gaining understanding about God & universe & humans), he can not allow his children to forget about their missions and being rude and start to rot. He will not be able to stand to see such a situation. And he will try to take emergent actions to recover such unhealthy conditions. And such an emergency action might be a disaster. So, disaster might be sort of Shock therapy like AED. Giving electric shock to make our hearts start to pump again. Some people may die by disaster but he may see that if he can prevent death of many many souls, that is much more urgent than some of physical death. He may see that death of soul is much more serious than death of physical bodies. 

This is because I often hear that our consciousness in afterlife cannot go beyond the what you believe or what he understands about this world. In other words, if you do not believe in the fact that we are spiritual existences and if you cannot believe that gods exist, even if he has conscious even after his death, he can not accept the fact. Even if angels go to him and advise to go to heaven or hell, he can not accept it. He considers the situation like he is in bad dream. And he can see his family and he talks to them but his family can not see him because he is a invisible spirit now. But he does not understand the situation and he starts to get mad and he starts to feel that he has been ignored by his family. Then he starts to curse his family. And then he will stick around his family and so his family start to get sick. So, he becomes unrelieved sad ghost who stays there almost forever till he can be awakened. But the chances that he gets to be awakened is very very small. So this situation is like it was a lot better if we were not born in this world and stay in the spiritual world because we becomes opposite of what we were supposed to be. And now there are billions of atheists who will become such sad ghosts like him. We should not allow such a crazy situation.

Furthermore, there are some people who try to have more atheists intentionally such as communists or materialists. They are trying to produce above sad ghosts who can not understand that he is spiritual beings as much as they can. From God’s view point, such communists or materialists seem to be cells of cancers. Cells of cancers who try to expand the damage to the body of God and trying to make God dead. So, Gods may think he needs to isolate those cancers. In this 3D world, it may become disaster. In the spiritual world, it is the hell where bad influencers were isolated in the darkness.   
So, existence of those communists or materialists might be the biggest reason to trigger disasters. We need to minimize that.

So again, not knowing the fact that we are spiritual being can cause to produce billions of unrelieved sad ghosts. And it is like infinite death as sprit. But it is a completely opposite direction from God’s intention. His intention was to create god like being by let us live in this world many times through the reincarnation system in order to improve our understanding about God and us and universe. So, having many communists or materialists who does not believe in spirit or in God is opposite direction from God’s intention. We need to minimize such a people. But now our education for Kids even in universities are in this direction. They are mass producing many of communists or materialists in school education. God will not allow such a situation. So we need to change that.

Everyone is supposed to die without exception and return to the other(spiritual) world. Everyone will go through it. No exception. It will be nice if you could live with big satisfaction and with big sense of accomplishment. But the ways we die are various. Some may die in traffic accidents, some may be dead by earthquakes, or by Tsunami, or by illnesses etc. However, everyone is supposed to die without any exception and return to the other(spiritual) world without any exception. Therefore, we should be more concerned about the death of our soul(can not belive that we are spiritual beings) rather than the death of our body. If you are dead without knowing that we are spiritual being, then your after life will be unrelieved sad ghosts who can not be saved almost for forever.

In that sense, the salvation of the soul by the shock therapy(disaster) might be very grateful remedy for us in order to avoid such corruption of our souls and to avoid the permanent death of our souls. We may be able to see this disaster that way.

But of course, it is the best if we can make everyone understand and accept the fact that we are all spiritual existence who belongs to spiritual world without having disasters. But we all know that make people being awakened is not easy since people are very stubborn.

And when we talk about disaster, it is also important to have and see the view point of “group karma”. We, Japanese people shares the group Karma as Japanese. That Karma includes both good and bad karma. People of Japan have been enjoying the wealth and the prosperity which were established by some great heroes in the past. But I want to say to Japanese people that “do you think our current prosperity and current position in the world was achieved because we were lucky? Or was it because Japanese people are talented? Or do you think it was achieved only by human efforts of Japanese people? May be partially true but from myside, we can see that obviously there was strong intention of Japanese Shinto gods to realize this prosperity of today’s Japan. It seems there have been very strong passion of Shinto gods to bring this Japan to honorable position in the world to prepare for something important event is coming. And Shinto gods had wide variety of talented thousands of Shinto gods in different areas (economies, industries, politics, science, arts, sports, religions, philosophy and so on). And they were sent to this world from Takamagahara (Heaven in Shinto) to make some changes for these 200~300 hundred years in order to realize this today prosperity. And there has been supports from higher gods from the head quarter of this planet of earth also have helped to realize it. We see that the today’s Japan position were the result of those aspects.

Looking around the world. We see many countries in the world are still suffering for poverty and wars. On the other hand, as a comparison, we can see that how much Japan has been in lot better condition. Much safe and less poverty. We may be receiving benefits from group Karma as Japanese. But we are also supposed to receive negative side of group Karma as Japanese if Japanese did something wrong. Earthquake might be the result of such negative group Karama. Some left may say previous war was the negative Karma. Yes, partially true but the intention of Japan at the time like freeing Asia from colonization was good trial though. Gods from HQ see it positively. So, the previous war was not the worst one. But the worst Karma of Japan was made after the war. The biggest one is the fact that we are being apart from gods. In education and in medias, we have been polluted with communism and materialism. And people of Japan have kept forgetting the intention of Shinto gods which was the reason behind the today’s prosperity. That is the worst Karma we made. As I mentioned above, there has been strong will of Shinto gods to put Japan in the prosperity and put us in the good position in the world and to realize it they have sent thousands of angels from heavens to this world for these 200~300 years (actually even before), and it was supported by higher angels from HQ of this planet. Why? Because there was a role that HQ of this planet has been expecting people of Japan to do. They will not support for nothing. There was clear object that HQ of this planet is expecting Japan to do something. Then what was it? I assume that HQ of this planet wants Japanese to remember the basic relationship between humans and God, and they want us to believe in we are all children of God and they want us to remake the society based on such understanding and spread such understanding to the world. And take the balance between east and west, north and south, and new and old, Islam and Christianity+ Judaism, an take the balance among different opinions and soften the tenses between those different thoughts by spreading such basic understanding about the fact that we all humans are all children of God and we are brothers and sisters who has same parent. I assume HQ of this planet, or supreme God is expecting people of Japan to take such a role. 

Since I started feeling this god's intention a little, it has been more than 25 years passed (at 2016 when I wrote this), but now, after 1/4 of century passed, I think Japan is ready to accept the god’s intention. And Japan is ready to retry to take that role now. Our prosperity now is not made by gods to let us have easy life. It was provided by gods to let us take a role in the world. But still I feel that Japan is trying to escape from such a role. Even I can see that many of them are still forgetting to have the sense of awe and gratitude to God and many of them are even intentionally want to deny gods and sprits as communists and as materialists. Completly opposite direction. That is a shame. 
And the wealth of Japan was basically made by selling products to outside of Japan. Japan became No.3 economical giants in the world by selling products to outside of Japan. So, Japan should appreciate the world who brought Japan a wealth. Japan should have more sense of responsibility to the world as No.3 economical giants. And Japan should do something good to the world and trying to solve the problems they have like US does. At least, Japan should have more sense of responsibility to Asia at least. But the conscious of Japanese are still toward inside of Japan only. And keep ignoring problems happening outside of Japan in the world. And never try to put his arms to those problems to solve them like EU or US does. And still keeping Article 9 of the Constitution which prohibits Japan to have armed forces (means Japan cannot protect Japan himself alone). Crazy and shame. When the country can not protect his country then how he can protect other countries? No way! I am so disappointed to Japan for their sense of irresponsibility and for their ruthless attitude. By looking at those embarrassing attitudes of Japan, before gods get mad, even though I am a just a citizen of 100 million Japanese people, I feel like I want to punish Japan by disaster.
But I assume these disasters are not just gods gets mad and wants to destroy Japan. No. It may be gods expect Japan to be awakened by allowing it happens. 
So, people of Japan should take that the disasters as signs from God and they should think that gods are expecting us to change ourselves and Japan starts to take responsibility to the world around Japan and try to solve issues they have and try to protect them from dangers.

And other important view point when we talk about disasters is,
persecution to the group of people who have been receiving message from gods will cause a reaction similar to a catastrophe for forgetting awe and gratitude for gods. We need to be careful about it. If we misunderstand who are the one who are receiving true voices of gods, such a disaster could happen. 

If we look at the final moment of ancient Atlantic civilization, a group of divinely-minded people appeared and they began to speak about words of gods, but existing religious group did not appreciate such a holly people and finally arrested them and killed them in the public square. But as soon as it was executed, the God did not allow the fact that his son was killed in the public, So, God press the button, and huge Atlantic continent start to sink and disappeared under the sea overnight. If we make mistake in finding who is the right prophet who can carry true voices of gods, such an extreme case can be happened. So, we need to careful. And we need to have a sense to find out who is the real one.

In early 20th century, in US, there was a psychic called” sleeping prophet”, Edgar Cayce. Cayce was once mentioned that “the greater portion of Japan must go into the sea“. When I say the video of tsunami was attacking towns in northern part of Japan in the news of Great East Japan earthquake, I used to think that Cayce must be seeing this vision. But looking at the strange behavior of the Japanese government these days (in 2016 now also but…), I started to think that maybe it wasn't that one. May be something bigger than Great East Japan earthquake may come. Of course, it would be nice if the government change their mind but it looks difficult. Then it may cause much bigger disaster than the one in 2011. I think so often these days.

But don’t worry too much about it. We are all spiritual being. We should not stick too much to death of our physical bodies. Whatever it happens, we just do what we are supposed to do. We just need to spread the idea of the importance of living with spiritual view point as children of God. Right? That is it.

Let’s do our best till the day comes.


Kohanbito as Lake Man

(Revised March 6, 2018)
(Revised July 14, 2018)
(Revised from January 10th to 20th, 2019)

