

Sieren's China: Dangerous maneuver←スプラトリー諸島問題、危険な機動作戦?!

2015-10-18 10:42:09 | 世界の潮流


Sieren's China: Dangerous maneuver

Washington's intention to sail military ships around the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea shows how poor US-Chinese relations currently are, says DW's Frank Sieren.艦隊がSpratly Islandsを航海するワシントンの意図は中米関係の弱さを示す。

Spratly Islands Inseln

The US Navy is considering sailing warships in the 12-nautical-mile zone around the Spratly Islands, which China lays claim to controversially. This is at least what a high-ranking US official recently announced. He preferred to remain anonymous but was not sparing with the details: He said that there would be a maneuver in the next two weeks. Over the past few months, Beijing has been expanding the zone with man-made islands to boost its territorial claim.今後2週間以内に機動作戦があるだろう。北京は人口造の島々で12海里ゾーンを拡張しそのゾーンの正当化を誇示している。

Those who believed that the power struggle between China and the US had calmed down will be alarmed. It has actually been clear that such a development could take place since the summer when US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said in relation to China's territorial claims that the US would continue to move in international waters and airspace. However, the dust seemed to have settled ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Washington last month.

Imaginable escalation?

Frank Sieren Kolumnist Handelsblatt Bestseller Autor China

DW columnist Frank Sieren

Now, it seems as if Washington was only taking a breather. The Pentagon has been trying for months to get the White House to assume a clearer position against China's military expansion and island development.ペンタゴンの明瞭な立場を取るだろう。中国の軍事拡張と人造島々の展開によってはー。

The US is in the middle of an election campaign and it's almost become a tradition to harangue against China in such times.選挙中は説教だけだ。

Could it be, however, that this bone of contention might indeed become the object of an escalation between the two countries?エスカレートするだろか?

Hua Chunying from the Chinese Foreign Ministry recently said firmly but in a friendly tone: "We hope that relevant countries could stop playing up the issue of the South China Sea, make good on their commitment of not taking sides on issues concerning territorial sovereignty, be discreet with words and deeds, respect efforts by China and relevant regional countries in safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea, and play a constructive role to that end."中国側のスタンス?南シナ海を建設的な海域にしたいー。

There are different interpretations of the situation. China says the islands belong to its territory. Its neighbors and the US dispute this claim and say China has simply snapped up the islands.一方で中国は、人造の島々を領土とする。近隣の国々とUSは中国が単に掠め取ったとする。≪←人造の島々を隣接国家の共有使用にすれば解決するだろか?≫

Karte Südchinesisches Meer Besitzanspruch China Englisch

The most dangerous conflict between the US and China

There is no compromise in sight and this is no longer a frozen conflict, even though China is now the third-largest export market for the US and both countries exchanged goods worth over $600 billion last year. On top of the territorial disputes, the relationship between China and the US has been increasingly tense in recent days and weeks over issues such as cyber espionage, currency manipulation and human rights. One can only hope that neither side is interested in a military conflict and will stay reasonable. But, of all the conflicts between China and the US, the island dispute is the most dangerous.妥協点は見出せそうにない。たとえ中国がUSにとって第三の輸出国家で去年だけで6000億$の貿易をしたとしても。領土問題だけではなくサイバー攻撃、通貨操作、人権問題と問題はあるがどちらも軍事的争いにならないことを念じるばかり。この領土問題が最も危険を伴っている。

DW's Frank Sieren has lived in Beijing for over 20 years.

************MY Opinion.軍事的なディテールは知らないので表層から見える思いだけだね。






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