


2016-10-22 19:07:52 | アメリカの文化・政治・ジェンダー・軍事




ISIS Leader Calls for American Muslim Voters to Support Hillary Clinton






Top ISIS leader now believed to be the number two behind the terrorist organization, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani, put up a video this week following the second presidential debate asking American Muslim voters to support Hillary Clinton.


The controversial video that was taken down by YouTube only hours after it was uploaded showed top ISIS leader Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani threatening those who would decide to vote for Donald Trump and calling them “infidels” and “goat f—-ers”.


“ All Muslims who will show support for the dog-faced Trump are guilty of masiya (mortal sin) ” – ISIS No.2 leader, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani


He also claimed that even if Hillary was a woman and a “two face devil”, had the “charm of a pig” and was “treacherous as the snake”, that the Democratic presidential hopeful was at least in league with the “allied countries of the Islamic state” such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.


Supporting the “dog-faced” Trump


Al-alwani also warned all Muslims not to take his warnings lightly and that supporters of Trump would be severely punished on earth and in Jannah (afterlife).


“Trump is a dog, he is the scum of the earth. He boasts that he will take our oil and join Russia, Syria and the Shia Iranians against us in our holy fight” he added, visibly angry.


“This (dog-faced) scumbag must not reach Washington. Although it is a sin to put an inferior being such as a woman into a position of power, it is the true plan of Satan to divide the Muslims of America. It would be dirty and danis (filthy) to vote for Trump,” he explained.


Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani has risen as a prominent ISIS leader figure since coalition forces carried out a “precision strike” last August, successfully targeting Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, number two of the terrorist organization at the time.【転載終了】







それがアップロードされた唯一の時間後にYouTubeが降ろされた論争のビデオがトップISISリーダーAmadhアブMakmudアルalwaniはドナルド・トランプに投票することを決定しようとする者たちを脅かすと "異教徒"と " - ERSヤギF」、それらを呼び出すことが示されました。

- ISIS 2号のリーダー、AmadhアブMakmudアルalwani

彼はまた、ヒラリーは女性と「2つの顔の悪魔」であった場合でも、民主党の大統領候補は「同盟国とのリーグ戦で少なくともあったことを、「豚の魅力を "持っていたし、「蛇のような裏切り」であると主張しましたこのようなトルコ、サウジアラビア、カタールなどのイスラム国家」の。













Hillary Clinton on Assange "Can't we just drone this guy" -- report http://truepundit.com/under-intense-pressure-to-silence-wikileaks-secretary-of-state-hillary-clinton-proposed-drone-strike-on-julian-assange/ 









Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Donald Trump for President, Releases Statement



VATICAN CITY – News outlets around the world are reporting on the news that Pope Francis has made the unprecedented decision to endorse a US presidential candidate. His statement in support of Donald Trump was released from the Vatican this evening:


“I have been hesitant to offer any kind of support for either candidate in the US presidential election but I now feel that to not voice my concern would be a dereliction of my duty as the Holy See. A strong and free America is vitally important in maintaining a strong and free world and in that sense what happens in American elections affects us all. The Rule of Law is the backbone of the American government as it is in any nation that strives for freedom and I now fear that the Rule of Law in America has been dealt a dangerous blow. The FBI, in refusing to recommend prosecution after admitting that the law had been broken on multiple occasions by Secretary Clinton, has exposed itself as corrupted by political forces that have become far too powerful. Though I don’t agree with Mr. Trump on some issues, I feel that voting against the powerful political forces that have corrupted the entire American federal government is the only option for a nation that desires a government that is truly for the people and by the people.  For this primary reason I ask, not as the Holy Father, but as a concerned citizen of the world that Americans vote for Donald Trump for President of the United States.”


Sources within the Vatican reportedly were aware that the Pope had been discussing the possibility of voicing his concern in the US presidential election but apparently were completely unaware that he had made a decision on going forward with voicing this concern until his statement was released this evening from the Vatican. Stay tuned to WTOE 5 News for more on this breaking news.【転載終了】


