•"The Japanese Empire’s Colonial Project-New Approaches to the Colonization of Korea," Sai, vol. 18 (2015), 223-253.
Despite the numerous empirical studies on colonial Korea many fundamental questions about Japanese colonialism require further examination. A new approach to understanding Japan’s colonial project is needed to overcome the limits of the colonial exploitation and colonial modernity thesis. A survey of recent works in colonial studies published in the English language can provide some fresh perspectives in this regard. Many of the recent studies on colonial Korea fully engage the historiography of modern Japanese history and provide important theoretical approaches into the questions of...
Zen Buddhism and the Space of Ethics
This article discusses Buddhist ethics from Zen and Hauayn Buddhist perspective. I propose that Zen Buddhist ethics underlines the importance of the ethical agent’s awareness of the fundamental gap between the reality of the world and the agent’s capacity to fully understand the total reality, and this gap inevitably creates a tension in the ethical agent’s mind. This tension is a positive guideline that demands the ethical agent a constant and consistent self-reflection when making ethical decisions. Moral norms can offer a contour of our ethical life, but, from the Zen and Huayan...
Acting Straight? Non-heterosexual Salarymen Working With Heteronormativity in the Japanese Workplace .pdf
This chapter draws attention to the intersections and collisions between discourses of work, masculinity, and sexuality in the context of Japanese corporate culture. Despite significant socio-cultural shifts over recent decades the discourse of the middle-class, white-collar heterosexual ‘salaryman’ continues to be a signifier for Japanese corporate masculinity, and indeed, for Japanese masculinity as a whole. Yet, the reality is that there are salarymen who may not be heterosexual, but nevertheless need to engage on a day-to-day basis with the heteronormative ideological expectations of...
Revitalization of Duoxu: A First-Hand Account
How can we revitalize a language that is unwritten and nearly extinct, a language that has no documentation record and is not officially recognized, and hence lacks any kind of institutionalized support? The chances of successfully revitalizing such a language are slim. One language that meets this dire description is Duoxu, the subject matter of this chapter. Under normal circumstances, revitalization of Duoxu would have little chance to take root. Yet, in spite of weighty objections, revitalization may be possible in the Duoxu case, albeit to a limited degree. Currently, revitalization of...