

15万の中国軍!NORTH KOREA SURROUNDED By 150,000 Chinese Troops & U.S. Warships! - Is War Imminent?

2017-04-12 13:00:23 | 真実の在り処

NORTH KOREA SURROUNDED By 150,000 Chinese Troops & U.S. Warships! - Is War Imminent?

https://youtu.be/e02tx6ZVGVY ←youtubeです。

2017/04/11 に公開

Josh Sigurdson breaks down the stunning development in North Korea as the U.S. sends a fleet of warships to the Korean Peninsula ready to attack at any moment. All the while, China has sent 150,000 troops to the North Korean border in order to take North Korean refugees in the case of an imminent attack by the United States.


While there have been U.S. fighter jets in the region for several months, this is a whole new ballpark. The commander of American forces in the pacific ordered an aircraft carrier and several other warships towards the Korean Peninsula as a show of strength by the Trump administration according to the New York Times.
This is just days after North Korea tested another intermediate-range missile.
This could get ugly fast considering the North Koreans' threats towards the US as they ready their missiles. Though it's worth pointing out that they don't have much fighting ability outside their readied weapons. They can barely afford to fuel fighter jets.

In a disturbing twist, Kim Jong Un broadcast a possible coded message of an imminent attack on the state-run airwaves. Many believe the message was to North Korean sleeper cells. The broadcast happened at 12am, addressed to "members of the remote education university" saying things like "Number 69 on page 602, number 79 on page 133, number 18 on page 216."
North Korea sent out a similar message on March 24 just days before Kim Jong Un fired a missile into the Sea of Japan.

While most are disturbed just by the day to day life in North Korea and the real isolationism within the country, if war kicks off, how exactly will bombing the country help the people? The real victims of the regime.
Shouldn't the target be deprogramming those within North Korea who think their leader is god? Showing them the beauty of freedom? This may just end in death and destruction. At least for North Koreans.
Of course the North Korean government needs to be stopped, among many others, but will bombing and massive potential nuclear clashes help? Or just lead to decades of further nation building?
As the military industrial complex continues to grow, we live in dangerous times and will continue to cover these issues as they unfold. We should not be the policemen of the world. Individuals however should learn to be individuals instead of collectives and value true freedom vs force of state.世界の警察官である必要はない。
軍産複合体(ぐんさんふくごうたい、Military-industrial complex, MIC)とは、軍需産業を中心とした私企業と軍隊、および政府機関が形成する政治的・経済的・軍事的な勢力の連合体を指す概念である。軍産複合体が増幅する中、危険が時代に突入している。Stay tuned for more!


