The orthodox civilization is the festival politics of Japan


I captured the tail of 空海

2015-12-30 09:57:14 | 世界経済

While I was a student of university , one of my friends was a grandson of the famous priest of Mikkyou .
He was so excellent that the professors were trying to avoid him , they could not answer his question .
One day , I wanted to solve the secret of his brain , and I visited his lodging , there , I found many notebooks .
Opened the one notebook , there were full of his writing that copied the foreign books with his hand ,
" Ten notebooks , twenty , thirty・・・ "

I asked it to him ,
" Did you memorized them ? "
" Almost ! "
His power of the understanding and the ability of memolization and the logical extension , at next moment , I felt I captured the tail of Mikkyou .
Incidentally , he was a strong resemblance to Kuukai .

I suppose that his ancestor came from China ,and helped to build an ancient society of Japan .

 「ぜんぶ アタマに入っているのかい」




Paul and 空海

2015-12-28 14:18:14 | 世界経済

Kuukai(空海) might know the Bible of christianity , because one of his workes is resembled with " Paul's letter to the Roman " .
Paul's letter said ,
" There is no one righteous
No , not one . "
Everybody are bad more or less and there are not the only man of righteous in the world .

Kuukai wrote,
" All are crazy , and they don't know that they are crazy ."
Paul continued ,
" There is no one who can undersrand it ."
I do think ,
" What a coincident two men's opinion are . "

Paul's message seemed to be equal to that of Kuukai ."

In Chouan of the capital of China , Kuukai might have a chance to read the New Testament .
Paul declaired ,
" They have all together become unprofitable ."

 「義人なし 一人だになし」

  三界の狂人は 狂せることを知らず
   生まれ生まれ生まれ生まれて 生の始めに暗く
  四生の盲者は 盲せることを悟らず
   死に死に死に死んで 死の終りを知らない    

 「悟りのある人は いない」
 「すべての人は 迷い出て無益なものになっている」


I do not hate the enemy 下

2015-12-27 05:22:35 | 世界経済

" Although I engage in battle , I do not hate the enymy soldiers ."    
 「男子の本懐 これに過ぐるものなし」
" Oh , there is no granter longer cherished desire for a man ."
" cherish " は、大切なものを抱く・愛をこめて大事に護る、この英訳には愛情がこもっている。



I do not hate the enemy 上

2015-12-25 02:20:44 | 世界経済

I do think that the modern history of Japan is full of sorrow , I watched this letter before confirming MacArthur testimony .
Therof this letter of Japanese soldier is interesting strongly .

At the corner of Yuusyuu-kan , I found the bride-doll which was dedicated by old woman . 
It was for her son who died at that war .

The last message of the Captain of Japanese army was displayed at the Yasukuni Jinjya .
" Although I engage in battle , I do not hate the enemy soldiers . Since even the enimues ,in all likelyhood , love the country , they have left behind their parents , wife and child in their hometown .
They are allowed to die for mistakely becoming the hencmen of politicians . Yoshiyuki becomes a cornerstone for the Japanese .
Emperor to realize the grand ideal of the which world under one roof .
Oh , there is no granter longer cherished desire for a man ."

        敵兵を憎まず 上       

  蓋し 敵も圀を愛するが故に 故郷に父母妻子を残し來る者なればなり」

  嗚呼、男子の本懐 これに過ぐるものなし」      

" I don't hate the enemy soldiers ."
" Even blue devil will be crying to read it ."

An active oxigen and a skin cancer

2015-12-23 06:04:19 | 世界経済

In Australia , many people suffer from the skin cancer .
Their ancestor lived in England for many gerations where was much cold and small urtraviolet rays .
Then , their blue eyes and white skin is an enviromental adaption , they don't fit to the climate in Australia .
Well , the oxigen molecule of the fourth orbit dose not safe , and it will get another molecule .
There are four pattern of an oxigen movement , one of four is the fourth orbit is empty .
And , at this pattern , the power of active oxigen is so strong that many people become a skin cancer .

 オーストラリアでは skin cancer が深刻である、はるかイギリスがらやって来た彼らにとって、紫外線ほど厄介で危険なものはない。




The water of Lourdes and the hydrogen water Ⅱ

2015-12-21 05:07:50 | 世界経済
The water of Loudes may be effective for the sick .

I had a chance to know the water of hydrogen recently .
The oponent of living thing is said to be the active oxigen which destroy the cell and the organ of body .
A few scientist insist that the active oxigen is the origin of many illness that are a hypertension , arterricoscleresis , disbetes and cancer .
The terrible power of active oxigen make the cell and organ weak and make the people unhealthy and disorder .

When we take the water of hydrogen , it changes the only water to combine the active oxigen .
It is so simple and strong theory , but I don't decide it is true or not .

I suppose that the water of Lourdes may be effective .     

          ルルドの泉と水素水 下
 人間の大敵いや生物の大敵は active oxigen・活性酸素 、これが人体を酸化させる、

 「めでたし めでたし 
  天下泰平 五穀豊穣 
  あっぱれ あっぱれ 
  それっそれっ ニッポン晴れ 」

 水素水は万病の予防・健康の土台、さっそく買いにいこうか、やっぱりドン・キホーテが安いね、商品はひとつで330ml、水素含有量が 0.7ppm~1.4ppm 、ドンキの何店かを調査する、
 A店  198円
 B店  190          
 Ⅽ店  158 プラス8%   

 商品の会社名が見えない「特許番号 3606466」
 「ひょっとすると ひょっとするかもしれない」


The water of Lourdes and the hydrogen water Ⅰ

2015-12-19 14:07:59 | 世界経済

When I visited a friend of christian , he showed me a small bottle of water ,
" This is the water of Lourdes . "

The size of the bottle is just that of eye lotion .
It is famous among chrisrian that the water of Lourdes recovers the illness .
Catholic order which absorbed the customes of Native Europeans at their growth likes the occult .

Jeanne d'Arc who heard the voice of God seemed to be the blood of celt .
The people of celt consideed the wild flower to be the fairy and hear the song of fairy in the howling of the wind .
By the way , I become to think that the water of Lourdes may be true .       
           ルルドの泉と水素水 上

 「万病に効くんだ フェッフェッフエッー」
 なんて下品なんだろう、✕ファイルじゃあないが、カトリックのオカルト趣味には困ったものだ、この宗派は、かつて、Native European の風習を取りこんだ、やたら軽薄なハロウィーンやクリスマス・・・



That war was dictated by security of Japan Ⅳ

2015-12-19 03:54:23 | 世界経済

The Meiji Restoraction was said to be succeeded with the help of England .

After World WarⅡ , we can say that Japan was constituted with the pressure of GHQ , they requested the change of systemes strongly ,
1, The Empeor must be the only symbol
2, The society has to be based on the democracy
3, The equal rights for men and women
4, The parliamentary government is required

The Emperor as symbol might be to deny the tradition of Japan and to make the total power of country weaker .
The democracy looked good , but another side of it may make the union divide , and the people of Islam objected the democracy of Europe-type for it .

At any rate , America wanted that Japan was bad , therfore they would not admit the testimony of MacArthur , they might earnestly desire to conceal his opinion .

The problem is in Japan ,
" How coward they were ! "

The worth of journarism of Japan is going to come " zero " without limit .





That war was dictated by security of Japan Ⅲ

2015-12-16 05:13:17 | 世界経済

On one day in the end of Meiji era , the chief of justice who treated " Taigyaku incident " shouted ,
" What a terrible action you committed to kill Meiji Emperor ! "

Koutoku Shyusui who was known taking good care of his old mother answerd ,
" He is a decendant of North dynasty that robbed 3 treasures of the South dynasty . "
" I don't admit the dignity of him . "
The court became frozen , because it was true .

Most of Japanese could not know this dialogue of the court , but Ishikawa Takuboku who worked at Asahi sinnbunn had a chance to read the report about it , he said ,
" How hopeless it is ! "
" Japan has died . "

At the village of the deep Kisyuu , there are tombs caved with the flower of chrysanthemum .
The people of South dynasty dimished in the darkness of history .
I will visit there and offer the white flower to them .       

 「明治天皇を弑(しい)し奉(たてまつ)らんとするは なにごとぞ」
 「あれは 正統な南朝の三種の神器をだまし取った北朝の子孫ではないか」
 「おれは 認めない」

 「この国は ダメだ」
 「ニッポンは 死んだ」

 古陵の松柏 天ピョウに吠え
 山寺に春を訪ねれば 春寂寥  
 眉雪の老翁 時に掃くことを止め
 落花深きところ 南朝を説く   



That war was dictated by security of Japan Ⅱ

2015-12-14 05:00:05 | 世界経済
Today , the jurnalists of Japan called it " the Pacific War " and they dose not say
" the Great Asia War " that meaned to liberate the coutries of Asia .

D.MacArthur was a considerable person who declared that the last war was dictated by security of Japan .
He said America made a fatal mistake to bring the communisit groop of China up .
He might be keenly realized it by Korea War .
He thought that Japan feared if the supplies were cut off , there would be 10 - 12 million people unoccupied .
His opinion was the same of To-jyo's comment who was leader of Japan ,
1, Japan was not aggresive country
2, It was the only way to keep Japan

By the way , the newspaper of Japan did not report that impotant testimony of D.MacArthur .
They might fear the anger of America and Red China , and we must say the spirit of jurnalism of Japan died .         




