In Japaan , there were an excelent woman , too .
Shizuka Gozen who was a famous oracle was loved by Yositune .
Shizuka had to performe it at Kamakura , and it is prohibited to call the name of Yositune , because he was the enemy of Kamakura .
But , she declaimed her love to him , the leader of samurai shouted ,
" I can't allow it . "
He grasped his katana , his wife stopped it ,
" The man's life is battle ,
The woman's life is love . "
" She risks her life for love ."
" Please keep her sing it ! "
" Shizuka Shizuka Shizuka
I have to depart , and we will not meet again . "
You said it , I want to be back on that day sincerely .
The samurai who are stronger than the red devil are weeping to see it .
Kaempfer knew it and might sense the essence of Sumer civilization about this .
ケンペルの見た日本 下
「それを ぬけぬけと」
「戦いが おとこのいのちなら
恋は おんなのいのちなのです」
「静は いのちをかけています
「どうか 舞わせてやってください
しずやしず しずのおだまき くりかえし
むかしをいまに なすよしもがな
よしのやま みねのしらゆき ふみわけて
いりにしひとの あとぞこいしき