The top of Red China visited England and promised to product nuclear power plant .
The Queen of England invited the couple of Xi Jinping in her palace .
It seemed for them to be welcomed by the people of England .
By the way , I do think that Xi Jinping has an another purpose which is to help the billonaires of China .
In China . the member of comunist party and national industry have strong conection , and they can get big money with various methods .
The billionaire of China are more than those of America .
Well , in Caribbean sea there are Cayman islands that is famous as tax-free , and the money of the world gather there ,
The Cayman islands belong to England , and to northeast from them there is Barmuda Triangl , it is known as airplains and ships disappearing , but in Cayman islands ,
" The money is disappeared ."
Xi's sister and brother are billionaire , and Xi Jinping may introduce the use of Cayman islands to them .
They will thank to him and support this government of Red China strongly ,
「おカネが 消える」
今回の協定によって、Red China をコントロールしている億万長者たちに、ちょっとしたプレゼント、これで、彼らは、現政権をさらに支持することだろう。