A girl stared at me with smiling ,
" A・RI・GA・TO・U "
I did not meet her before , but I did believe that she was the girl who died in Hiroshima .
The world of the quantum is different from Newtonian world .
The quantum isn't decided until a man observes , it exists in all places at the same time .
And the representation of this quantum is an electron .
In an atomic world , the state can be classified as a substance , but in the world of the quantum , the electron can't be classified , it is only " the state " without by a substance , so there are no cause , result and distinction in the future and the past .
「量子論のミクロの領域では量子的ゆらぎによって ありとあるものが変動している」
「微小なスケールでは、空間は泡立ち波立った状態で、この領域では、前後・左右・上下、そして過去・未来さえ意味を失う」ー" The elegant Universe " ー