

共通の敵を滅ぼした後に何が起こるだろう in シリア北部

2018-01-23 17:19:16 | Newsメモ
Togetter 『女性だけの街』ヲ作ろう

 ではここで共通の敵・Islamic State勢力を駆逐した後のシリアの情勢を見ましょう:

BBC Syria: Turkish ground troops enter Afrin enclave 21 Jan 2018

 昨日メモしたものだが、共通の敵、Islamic Stateをほぼ打撃しおえた今、トルコ軍はクルド勢力を駆逐し30kmほどの安全地帯形成を目的にシリア領内に侵入。

BBC Syria offensive: US seeks to address Turkey's 'legitimate' security concerns 22 Jan 2018

The US is willing to work with Turkey to address its "legitimate" security concerns in northern Syria, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said

Ankara said the US had to stop backing the YPG if they wanted cooperation

Mr Tillerson said on Monday in London that the US recognised Turkey's "legitimate concerns" for its security, and its right to defend itself from terrorist elements. It called for restraint from "both sides"


He said the US had proposed measures to Turkey and others to try to stabilise the situation

 …『地域の安定のために、ぜひ協力したいな。必要なものがあれば提供するよ? トルコさん? あ、”安定に資する勢力”さんにはもちろん協力するよぅ』。


Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag has expressed willingness to cooperate with the US, but said that it should first "stop arming terror groups and take back weapons already given"

 …『当然、協力するさ。だがまあ、まずは、”テロ集団”の武装を止めてくれるか? ああ、あと、既に呉れてやった分、それはきっちり回収して取り上げろよ?』。これは「非妥協的態度」といわんかな。


"We will take no step back," he said in a live television broadcast. "We spoke about this with our Russian friends; we have an agreement."


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