ブラジルで遂に年金改革法案が成立。年金支給開始年齢を10年以上引き上げる踏み込んだ内容だが、目立った暴動も起きておらず、財政に対する危機感が社会で共有されていることを感じる。色々と問題があるボルソナロ大統領だが、この功績で歴史に名を残すことは間違いない。 https://t.co/RYlYwKRDai
— 外山尚之(日本経済新聞) (@NaoyukiToyama) October 23, 2019
BBC Brazil pensions: Victory for Jair Bolsonaro as reform passes 24 Oct 2019
「Brazil's Senate has passed the final amendments to a much-debated pension reform a day after the main text of the bill was approved.
The approval of the bill is a major victory for President Jair Bolsonaro after decades of failed attempts to reform Brazil's social security system.」
「Had it not been passed, public debt would have skyrocketed, official data suggest.」
「The main change is the creation of a retirement age - 65 for men and 62 for women. Other changes include an increase to workers' pension contributions and the mechanism to calculate benefits.」
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