


2023-09-10 20:53:39 | ソマリア関連
 al Shababの戦闘員が民間人の家に逃げ込み、これを政府側が空爆したせいで、婆様と5人の孫たちがまとめて死んだ模様。


BBC Civilians reportedly killed in Somali air strike 10 Sep 2023 By Sahnun Ahmed

 そうまで強硬な手を下したのは、senior al-Shabab membersを追ってのことだったからよう。民間人複数を巻き添えにしてでも殺したい相手だったのだろう。

Seven civilians, including a grandmother and five children, have allegedly been killed in central Somalia during an air strike that was targeting Islamist militants.

The Somali government had announced that it had killed three senior al-Shabab members in El Garas village.

“The operation, which was planned with sophistication, hit [al-Shabab] hard,” the Somali National News agency Sonna reported.

The three members who were killed were tracked by government intelligence when they ran into a civilian house to escape the strike.

But the government denied responsibility for the civilian casualties.

 政府側の言い訳は、まあ「おまえら、そーゆーとこだぞ」という感はあり、「やー、やつら、爆弾もっているからねー(それで爆発、激しくなっちゃったんじゃない? うちらの空爆のせいとは、ちょっとねえ)」というもののよう。お前らな。

Ahmed Nur Mohamud is the husband of 60-year-old Kaha Warsame, who, along with her grandchildren, died in the strike. He said that he was 1km (1,100 yards) away from the house when the bombing happened with his second wife and their children.

“I tried to call them, and their phones were off,” Ahmed Nur recalls. “When I tried to reach my family’s house around 03:00, there were government’s solders, and I was afraid to go in. I arrived the house later and realised that the government had taken the bodies with them.”

“I have seen that two bombs hit my family. One on their hut and another on the goat’s shelter,” he added.

 婆様の旦那は1km程離れたところからその様子を見ることになっちゃった。おい妻よ、生きてるかと電話をかけたがでやしねえ。しかも遺体は―政府軍兵士が収容していった。それはまあ、かっちりal Shababの人定をする必要はあるだろうけど―と、つまり、現場から残りなく遺体を収容するだけの余裕をきちんととれている、わけだこれ。

Ahmed Nur is requesting to see the bodies of his wife and his grandchildren to find closure.

“We have never been involved with al-Shabab; we are civilians. I’m requesting the bodies of my family for burial. I demand compensation for my blood relative,” he said.

 旦那さんはblood relativeに対するcompensationを要求する。…ちゃんと返しとけよ、と心から思う。
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