


2024-03-28 20:43:41 | Newsメモ

The UN report said some estimates put it at half a million legal and illegal weapons here as of 2020.

It reported that guns and ammunition were being smuggled in from land, air and sea from US states such as Florida, Texas and Georgia.


BBC Haiti: US guns pour into Port-au-Prince, fuelling surge in violence 24 hours ago
By Nomia Iqbal


Haiti is a state out of action.

More than two weeks after the country's prime minister resigned, following a surge of violence in Port-au-Prince, details of a presidential transitional council have still not been revealed.

One of the challenges this council will have to face is the illegal trafficking of guns, which has powered the gangs which have taken over.


"All the guns here are from the US, everybody knows it. If the US wants to stop this, they could easily do it one month!" He pleads: "We are asking the US to give us a chance to live, just give us a chance."


There have been seizures in the country's main ports in Port-au-Prince, Port-de-Paix and in Cap-Haitien. Illegal weapons are hidden in shipping containers among toy and clothes donations.


For a country that does not manufacture weapons, a UN report in January found every type of gun was flooding Port-au-Prince: high-powered rifles such as AK-47s, 9mm pistols, sniper rifles and machine guns.

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