おひざ元で元気なFridays for Futureの人たちのイノベーションに期待したらどうかなあ、とは。イノベーションに期待する―なんてのはボリス・ジョンソン風の考え方だから拒否する、とでも言うだろうか。
BBC Australia attacks sweeping EU climate plan to tax imports 15 Jul 2021
「Australia, one of the world's biggest fossil fuel exporters, has strongly criticised the European Union's proposal to enact a carbon border tax.」
「Mined commodities such as iron ore, coal, gas and oil account for more than two thirds of Australia's export wealth.」
「Mr Tehan suggested the EU was "unilaterally imposing its views and its ways on other countries" and such a tax would "undermine" global co-operation on reducing emissions.」
BBC Australia attacks sweeping EU climate plan to tax imports 15 Jul 2021
「Australia, one of the world's biggest fossil fuel exporters, has strongly criticised the European Union's proposal to enact a carbon border tax.」
「Mined commodities such as iron ore, coal, gas and oil account for more than two thirds of Australia's export wealth.」
「Mr Tehan suggested the EU was "unilaterally imposing its views and its ways on other countries" and such a tax would "undermine" global co-operation on reducing emissions.」