BBC Islamic State crisis: 'Mines planted in Syria's Palmyra' 21 June 2015
「Islamic State (IS) militants have planted landmines and explosives around the ancient Palmyra ruins, according to a group that monitors the war in Syria」
なおUK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rightsについては「The group relies on a network of sources inside Syria for its information」。わりと信頼できそう。
The GUardian Isis militants destroy 2,000-year-old statue of lion at Palmyra Thursday 2 July 2015 19.05 BST
なお早速パルミュラの墓廟から像が略奪され、これが移送中にIslamic State集団の検問にひっかかり、密売業者は罰せられるわ、像は破壊されるわで、Islamic State集団が気晴らしできた以外の効用がないという、ひどい話になっている。「The destruction is worse than the theft because they cannot be recovered.」なのである。
BBC Inside Tadmur: The worst prison in the world? 20 June 2015
Islamic State集団がTadmurを奪取して最初にやったことのひとつが監獄の爆破だったが、その歴史を概説しよう―と言う記事。
まあ「"It's utterly unfair to call it a prison. In a prison you have basic rights, but in Tadmur you have nothing. You're only left with fear and horror," says Palestinian writer Salameh Kaileh, who spent two years there, from 1998 to 2000」でお察しください、でいいだろうか。
あるいは「"I have not seen the eyes of any of my inmates and none of them saw my eyes until after we left the prison. Eye contact was absolutely forbidden」こりゃすごい。
「Islamic State (IS) militants have planted landmines and explosives around the ancient Palmyra ruins, according to a group that monitors the war in Syria」
なおUK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rightsについては「The group relies on a network of sources inside Syria for its information」。わりと信頼できそう。
The GUardian Isis militants destroy 2,000-year-old statue of lion at Palmyra Thursday 2 July 2015 19.05 BST
なお早速パルミュラの墓廟から像が略奪され、これが移送中にIslamic State集団の検問にひっかかり、密売業者は罰せられるわ、像は破壊されるわで、Islamic State集団が気晴らしできた以外の効用がないという、ひどい話になっている。「The destruction is worse than the theft because they cannot be recovered.」なのである。
BBC Inside Tadmur: The worst prison in the world? 20 June 2015
Islamic State集団がTadmurを奪取して最初にやったことのひとつが監獄の爆破だったが、その歴史を概説しよう―と言う記事。
まあ「"It's utterly unfair to call it a prison. In a prison you have basic rights, but in Tadmur you have nothing. You're only left with fear and horror," says Palestinian writer Salameh Kaileh, who spent two years there, from 1998 to 2000」でお察しください、でいいだろうか。
あるいは「"I have not seen the eyes of any of my inmates and none of them saw my eyes until after we left the prison. Eye contact was absolutely forbidden」こりゃすごい。