


2023-06-17 19:04:01 | Newsメモ
 ウガンダ西部で反乱勢力が学校を襲撃、40名ほどを殺害。8名は重態。secondary schoolだから中学校か。寮もあったようで、マットレスごと燃やしたりしたみたい。相当数の焼死体がある様子。

BBC Uganda school attack: 40 killed by militants linked to Islamic State group 17 Jun 2023 By Patience Atuhaire in Kampala & James Gregory in London

Around 40 people, mostly students, have been killed at a school in western Uganda by rebels linked to the Islamic State group.

A further eight people remain in a critical condition after the attack on Lhubiriha secondary school in Mpondwe.

Boys who were staying in dormitories at the school are among the dead.

The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) - a Ugandan group based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - have been blamed for Friday's attack.


The attack happened at around 23:30 local time (20:30 GMT) on Friday at the school in the Kasese district in western Uganda.

Over 60 people are educated at the school, most of whom live there.

ADF rebels burnt a dormitory and a food store was also looted during the incident, Mr Enanga said.

Some of the boys were burnt or hacked to death, Major General Dick Olum from the Ugandan army told the media.

Others at the school, mostly girls, have been abducted by the group, he added.


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