


2024-04-04 13:25:12 | Newsメモ

BBC South Africa election 2024: ‘You see skeletons’ - the deadly migrant crossing 3 hours ago
By Jenny Hill


Many migrants risk all to reach South Africa, making a notoriously dangerous journey across the border from Zimbabwe. Having fled poverty and desperation elsewhere in Africa they feel they have no choice. But as elections approach, xenophobic sentiment is on the rise and South Africa's government is under pressure to tighten the border.


Musina is well known as a place of refuge for migrants who, like Ms Murevesi, slip unnoticed over the border.

The migrants who make it have survived a difficult trek through the bush. It is lawless and unforgiving territory. Wild animals and gangs of criminals are a constant threat.

Stories of theft, beatings, rapes and even killings are common.


"It is very, very dangerous," a Zimbabwean man, who only gave his name as George, told us.

"You see skeletons, you see someone already killed two or three months ago," he said about his own crossing.


The last census found that there were more than 2.4 million foreigners - nearly half of them Zimbabwean - living in the country, accounting for just over 3% of the population.

But there are no official estimates for the number of those who have entered illegally.

And with a general election scheduled for the end of May, illegal immigration has become a highly charged political issue.


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