


2019-10-28 13:41:11 | Newsメモ

BBC Essex lorry deaths: Dunkirk migrants 'all scared of lorries' 24 October 2019 By Lucy Williamson

People smugglers in northern France charge up to €10,000 (£8,640; $11,100) per person for passage to the UK

Puythouck camp, in the woods near Dunkirk, is a place where you queue for everything, while waiting for only one thing: the chance to hide inside a lorry bound for the UK.

 もちろんEssex lorry deathsの話はばっちり周知されているわけだが―

Everyone here had heard about the deaths of 39 people inside a refrigerated lorry which had just crossed the Channel from Belgium.

 Essex lorry deathsがどうしておきたのかも、まあ、わかるわけだが―

One woman in the family area of the camp said she and others began to have problems breathing while hidden inside a sealed container.

When they shouted and kicked the walls, she said, the driver simply swore at them.

They had to call the police, who tracked the GPS signal on their mobile phones to find them and get them out.



"We are between two deaths," he explained. "If we go back to our countries, it's death; if we try to get to the UK, maybe it's death, too.

"Thirty-nine people die in a truck, but thousands die in my country. I think it's a good death, better than the death in our country," Taish said.


"There are deaths at sea," Serbaz told me, "and deaths in the lorries. We honestly don't know which way to go."

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