


2019-05-04 22:07:29 | Newsメモ

BBC Brazil's President Bolsonaro cancels trip to New York 4 May 2019

Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro has cancelled a planned trip to the United States after protests from gay rights and environmental campaigners.

The American Museum of Natural History had originally agreed to hold a gala dinner for the Brazilian president,

But it drew heavy criticism for agreeing to host a ceremony at which Mr Bolsonaro, who has advocated relaxing environmental policies, was scheduled to receive a person of the year award.

President Bolsonaro would no longer attend the dinner, said his spokesman General Otavio Rego Barros, because of "the resistance and deliberate attacks by the mayor of New York and the pressure of interest groups" on the organisers of the event.

Climate activists and environmental organisations such as Greenpeace have denounced Mr Bolsonaro as "a threat to Brazil's ecosystem".


New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said President Bolsonaro was a "very dangerous human being".

 ニューヨーク市長たるものが、他国の大統領を「極めて危険な人類種human being」とかなんとか、その存在自体を否定する発言をするのはどうか。


Mr de Blasio told radio station WNYC last month: "He's dangerous not just because of his overt racism and homophobia, but because he is unfortunately the person with the most ability to be able to impact what happens in the Amazon going forward."



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