


2020-04-10 12:37:50 | Newsメモ
BBC EU agrees €500bn coronavirus rescue package 9 Apr 2020


EU finance ministers have agreed a €500bn (£440bn) rescue package for European countries hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

The chairman of the Eurogroup, Mário Centeno, announced the deal, reached after marathon discussions in Brussels.

But the ministers failed to accept a demand from France and Italy to share out the cost of the crisis by issuing so-called coronabonds.

The package is smaller than the European Central Bank had urged.

The ECB has said the bloc may need up to €1.5tn (£1.3tn) to tackle the crisis.


Ministers were close to a deal on Wednesday, but the talks broke down and had to be resumed a day later, amid a dispute between Italy and the Netherlands over how to apply the recovery fund.

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed deep divisions in Europe, where Italy and Spain have accused northern nations - led by Germany and the Netherlands - of not doing enough.


Small, non-essential shops are set to open in Austria and Czech Republic next week. Denmark's schools and kindergartens will reopen on 15 April, and Norway's on 20 April.

Even Italy is considering when some lockdown measures could gradually be relaxed.

However Spain extended its state of emergency on Thursday until 26 April, keeping people at home for a further two weeks.





BBC Coronavirus: EU could fail over outbreak, warns Italy's Giuseppe Conte 9 Apr 2020 By Mark Lowen

Italy's prime minister has told the BBC that the European Union risks failing as a project in the coronavirus crisis.

Giuseppe Conte says the EU must act in an adequate and co-ordinated way to help countries worst hit by the virus.

Mr Conte says the European Union needs to rise to the challenge of what he calls "the biggest test since the Second World War".

The Italian prime minister told the BBC that Europe's leaders were "facing an appointment with history" that they could not miss.

"If we do not seize the opportunity to put new life into the European project, the risk of failure is real."

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