BBC Islamic State: The women and children no-one wants 12 April 2019 By Quentin Sommerville
「The al-Hol camp in north eastern Syria is an overflowing vessel of anger and unanswered questions. Inside are the lost women and children of the jihadist group Islamic State (IS), abandoned by their men, their nightmare caliphate and their governments.」
「She has cloaked herself in victimhood. She believes the West and its air strikes against the last IS hold-out of Baghouz are to blame for their misery. The hate and violence perpetrated by IS are forgotten.
This is the jihadist mind-trick, a selective memory that erases any wrongdoing.」
「"I won't talk about what my husband did, I don't know what he did," Umm Usma claims. She has lived under democracy and under IS. She tells me she knows which one is better. "Your mind is closed," she says as she turns her back and walks away.」
「IS used its families as a last line of defence.」
うーんまあ、その、この点では米帝の商業主義にまみれた、堕落の権化たるハリウッド映画のほーがおぞましさの度合いは少ないのじゃないでしょうか。あの、その、『故郷の愛する家族を守るため、国外にでていって異国人を殺す英雄的米兵』ってのも奇怪なもんですが、『世界の最大犯罪者たる米帝の手先の連中からイスラームの正義をまもるため、愛する家族を弾除けにしつつ戦う聖戦士! どうだ米帝、おまえたちがもし正義の使徒だというなら、女子供を殺すことなど、しないはずだ! ああしかし悪魔の米帝よ、現にお前たちは女子供を殺しているのだ!』っつーのは、なんつーか、現物の女子供が死ぬ分、しかもそれを保護すべき男たちの盾につかわれてるぶん、おぞましさも二段階増しなのとちがうかなあ、と。
「When the fighting was over, Baghouz was cleared of corpses before the media arrived.
The men of IS were not just soldiers on a battlefield. They brought with them women, children and extended families.」
「The foreign women in the camp are kept separately, under armed guard. Here the ideology is at its most toxic. This is where the true believers are contained. A guard outside points to his bruised head. "They threw rocks at us yesterday," he says.」
「The western women are wary of speaking inside. They fear being attacked by the more radical women in the camp, if they are seen speaking to a man. If they remove their veils, they are set upon by some of the women. Tents have been burned to the ground in retribution.
"The Tunisian and Russian women are the worst," says 19-year-old Leonora Messing from Germany. She points to two large communal tents. "They were last to come out from Baghouz."」
BBC Islamic State: The women and children no-one wants 12 April 2019 By Quentin Sommerville
「The al-Hol camp in north eastern Syria is an overflowing vessel of anger and unanswered questions. Inside are the lost women and children of the jihadist group Islamic State (IS), abandoned by their men, their nightmare caliphate and their governments.」
「She has cloaked herself in victimhood. She believes the West and its air strikes against the last IS hold-out of Baghouz are to blame for their misery. The hate and violence perpetrated by IS are forgotten.
This is the jihadist mind-trick, a selective memory that erases any wrongdoing.」
「"I won't talk about what my husband did, I don't know what he did," Umm Usma claims. She has lived under democracy and under IS. She tells me she knows which one is better. "Your mind is closed," she says as she turns her back and walks away.」
「IS used its families as a last line of defence.」
うーんまあ、その、この点では米帝の商業主義にまみれた、堕落の権化たるハリウッド映画のほーがおぞましさの度合いは少ないのじゃないでしょうか。あの、その、『故郷の愛する家族を守るため、国外にでていって異国人を殺す英雄的米兵』ってのも奇怪なもんですが、『世界の最大犯罪者たる米帝の手先の連中からイスラームの正義をまもるため、愛する家族を弾除けにしつつ戦う聖戦士! どうだ米帝、おまえたちがもし正義の使徒だというなら、女子供を殺すことなど、しないはずだ! ああしかし悪魔の米帝よ、現にお前たちは女子供を殺しているのだ!』っつーのは、なんつーか、現物の女子供が死ぬ分、しかもそれを保護すべき男たちの盾につかわれてるぶん、おぞましさも二段階増しなのとちがうかなあ、と。
「When the fighting was over, Baghouz was cleared of corpses before the media arrived.
The men of IS were not just soldiers on a battlefield. They brought with them women, children and extended families.」
「The foreign women in the camp are kept separately, under armed guard. Here the ideology is at its most toxic. This is where the true believers are contained. A guard outside points to his bruised head. "They threw rocks at us yesterday," he says.」
「The western women are wary of speaking inside. They fear being attacked by the more radical women in the camp, if they are seen speaking to a man. If they remove their veils, they are set upon by some of the women. Tents have been burned to the ground in retribution.
"The Tunisian and Russian women are the worst," says 19-year-old Leonora Messing from Germany. She points to two large communal tents. "They were last to come out from Baghouz."」
— Isseki Nagae/永江一石 (@Isseki3) 2019年4月11日