

Essex lorry deaths:犠牲者の一部はベトナム人の模様

2019-10-26 09:55:53 | Newsメモ
BBC Essex lorry deaths: Police begin removing the 39 bodies 24 Oct 2019

Police have begun the process of moving the bodies of 39 people found dead in a refrigerated lorry in Essex.

Eleven of the victims - believed to be Chinese nationals - were taken by ambulance from the Port of Tilbury to Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford.

Police have been granted extra time to question lorry driver Mo Robinson, 25, on suspicion of murdering the eight women and 31 men.

 中国側としては「"They have met with the local police, who said that they are verifying the identity of the 39 deceased, whose nationality still cannot be confirmed."

BBC Essex lorry deaths: Vietnamese families fear relatives among dead 25 Oct 2019

At least six of the 39 people found dead in a lorry trailer in Essex may have been from Vietnam.

The 48-year-old from Northern Ireland is the fourth person to be arrested in connection with the investigation.

Two people from Warrington are being held on suspicion of manslaughter and conspiracy to traffic people and the lorry driver is in custody on suspicion of murder.

The last message received from Ms Tra My was at 22:30 BST on Tuesday - two hours before the trailer arrived at the Purfleet terminal from Zeebrugge in Belgium.

Her family have shared texts she sent to her parents which translated read: "I am really, really sorry, Mum and Dad, my trip to a foreign land has failed.

"I am dying, I can't breathe. I love you very much Mum and Dad. I am sorry, Mother."



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