BBC Mauritius oil spill: MV Wakashio ship captain sentenced 28 Dec 2021 By Yasine Mohabuth
タグ:[environmental issue][environmental problem]
「The captain and first officer of a ship that ran aground on a coral reef in Mauritius have each been sentenced to 20 months in prison.
About 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil from the Japanese-owned MV Wakashio leaked into the ocean in July 2020, causing Mauritius' worst ecological disaster.
The magistrate said she hoped that the sentence would "serve as a lesson" for the men, and other potential offenders.
Both had pleaded guilty to endangering safe navigation.」
「The captain, Indian national Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, admitted to drinking moderately during a birthday party on board, before the MV Wakashio ran aground on 25 July 2020.」
「The two men have been in custody for nearly 16 months and this will go towards their sentence.」
Wikipedia日本語版 わかしお座礁石油流出事故は「2021年9月27日、モーリシャスの裁判所はインド人船長とスリランカ人1等航海士に対し、禁錮1年8ヶ月の量刑を言い渡した[29]。」と述べ、29. 「“重油流出で船長ら実刑 モーリシャスの日本船事故”. 産経新聞. 2021年12月27日閲覧。」とする。12と9とを打ち間違うのはどういうミスだろう。
BBC Mauritius oil spill: MV Wakashio ship captain sentenced 28 Dec 2021 By Yasine Mohabuth
タグ:[environmental issue][environmental problem]
「The captain and first officer of a ship that ran aground on a coral reef in Mauritius have each been sentenced to 20 months in prison.
About 1,000 tonnes of fuel oil from the Japanese-owned MV Wakashio leaked into the ocean in July 2020, causing Mauritius' worst ecological disaster.
The magistrate said she hoped that the sentence would "serve as a lesson" for the men, and other potential offenders.
Both had pleaded guilty to endangering safe navigation.」
「The captain, Indian national Sunil Kumar Nandeshwar, admitted to drinking moderately during a birthday party on board, before the MV Wakashio ran aground on 25 July 2020.」
「The two men have been in custody for nearly 16 months and this will go towards their sentence.」
Wikipedia日本語版 わかしお座礁石油流出事故は「2021年9月27日、モーリシャスの裁判所はインド人船長とスリランカ人1等航海士に対し、禁錮1年8ヶ月の量刑を言い渡した[29]。」と述べ、29. 「“重油流出で船長ら実刑 モーリシャスの日本船事故”. 産経新聞. 2021年12月27日閲覧。」とする。12と9とを打ち間違うのはどういうミスだろう。