


2024-03-30 23:04:18 | Newsメモ

BBC Mexico: Funeral held for girl whose death sparked mob violence in Taxco  8 hours ago
By Leonardo Rocha, Americas editor, and Sean Seddon

A woman suspected of murdering an eight-year-old girl in southern Mexico was beaten to death after a mob formed from protests sparked by the killing.

Violent protests began after the body of Camila Gómez was found by a road near the city of Taxco on Thursday.

Footage on social media showed police watching on as a woman locals believed to be responsible for the killing was brutally beaten in broad daylight.

Two men also suspected by locals of involvement were attacked but survived.

Camila disappeared on Wednesday after entering a neighbour's house to use their swimming pool.


Taxco residents overturned cars, blocked a road and surrounded three people they believed had killed the girl.


In June 2022, a politician was beaten to death by a crowd of around 200 people after accusations he was involved in a child kidnapping were spread online.

In November 2018, a shop owner in the central Mexican state of Puebla was burned to death after similar rumours circulated on WhatsApp.

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