


2024-04-28 16:32:37 | Newsメモ
 とりあえず現時点では、ベネズエラとの国境地帯の先住民村落(300名規模)にはあんまり影響なさそうだな! …まあそうまで影響はなさそうだな。…ちょっとはあるかな、ちょっとは。…割と決定的じゃね? という記事。

BBC Will Guyana's oil bonanza benefit its poorest people? 10 April 2024
By Stephen Sackur


Smith Creek in Guyana's far northwest borderland with Venezuela is home to 300 people living in a collection of dilapidated cabins perched precariously on wooden stilts.

A gaggle of young children, some naked, play on the muddy bankside of the salty, silty creek.

Traditional canoes - carved out of single tree trunks - glide by, carrying families and their supplies. The nearest source of fresh, drinkable water is almost two hours of steady paddling away.


No sign here that the country has become a premier-league petrostate. Eleven billion barrels of oil lie in the Stabroek Block subsea reserve off Guyana's coast, but fossil fuel riches are not yet flowing to the people of Smith Creek.

Look closely though and there are the first signs of change in Smith Creek.

The biggest structure in the settlement is a newly built concrete shed with solar panels on its roof, and specialised food processing equipment in its immaculately clean interior.

 食品加工の工場ができてる! それがこの村、最大の建物だという。

The women are running their own commercial enterprise - growing, drying and selling their crop and earning a form of economic independence for the first time in their lives.


"Women can buy things for their children and family," she said. "Before, there were no jobs in Smith Creek. We were struggling. Now we have jobs to do."


"The women have limited opportunities, so it's extremely challenging," she tells me.

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